probually no one reads this, os i dont know why I'm typing it but....
I went to Howl-o-scream 2 days ago I think (on Friday) and for those who dont know what that is its just a bunch of haunted houses and scary things, lol...(at an amuesment park (Bush Gardens) ! xd !!!
OK, so I went ya? and I went through all these creepy things! I did the scariest one first (it was called after hours~ club muse) it was themed llike a club thing with like slaughtered people and stuff... it was totally freaky there ws people jumping out at you with knives and strobe lights and stuff.. near the end it had a cop car and so it was like the club got caught and then there was police people jumping out with those odd baton things saying "are you alright?" there was this one guy who was behind a corner and jumped out and me, and I smacked him in his face! whoops... sweatdrop then I was like are you alright and he grumbled its ok in this creepy-like low voice....
The next one was not that scary it was called the 3rd dementia and you wore 3-d glases and stuff it was just kinda dizzying and stuff....
Then I went to the hunted.... it was a hunting place ( the second creepiest to me) there was theese people jumping at us with guns and knives ang OMG! it was so dark and.... ya well you get the picture....
There was also this one called Trapped (in the walls) it was awesome! it wasn't that scary and it was't boring either.... you saw like these scenes of a family that murderd itself (I guess...) and there was like happy things like a cute little television show and cereal next to a guy who was dead and like a zombie ( because he jumped out at you) and it was like the best thing since sliced bread! Oh funny story from this one! I was standing there because these people in front of us wouldn't walk through and there was this lady who was on the ceiling who came down and was touching my hair and my mom and dad started laughing and my ( very jumpy) friend was like " Ummmm.... Jessica? ( which is my real name)" and I was yelling at her like "shut up, what do you want?" and there was that lady on the ceilng like barely touching my hewad, i looked up and I was like OMG! and I screamed so loud!
The next one was deathly departed ( by that time i figured out the less you scream the less people scare you and vise versa) SO I was all like picking people out and stuff so it wasn't that freaky but still... ok this one was themed like a bride looking for her husband or something like that (oh the bride was dead sweatdrop ) and it was all creepy cause it was like a mansion and there were actually people walking amoungst you! FREAKY right? ( you have to be there)
The last one (the one I did NOT want to go to (cause clowns are creepy as it is)) was Freaked! It was like a deadly carnival thing.....There were these liek clowns *shiver* and they had guns and stuff (oooh! and horns) in like the middle of it there was a fork in the road and the sign pointed right and had a painted on F (so it said FRight) and pointed left and painted on a whats and a ? mark (so it said Whats Left?) ~ by the way it took me 'till we were like half way arouind the park to get the whats left pun~ and at the end they had chainsaws like OMG! I wanted to run!!!! But If I ran they would've chased me so I didn't and was just eyeing him and I was like "I swear to god if he touches me with that thing..."
Oh! and the whole time di you want to know? the whole time my mom and dad were pointing at me so they would scare me and my friend! ( my dad also tried to scare us...well he succeeded)
There were also theese shows that I saw one was called control+alt+ DECEASED *cue spooky music* it was about this blogger dude who ws writing about a murder with this detective they made fun of Tom Cruise, Martha Stewart, Brittney Spears, Taylor hicks, and Oprah.. it was funny (in the end the dude dies *whistles*
THe other one was fiends it was like frakenstein but it wasn't scary and was like musical....
The last one was the Awakening that was creepy! it was like they took someone into the reems of the dead or whater and there was this dude on stilts he kept looking at me and my friend was like " I think he likes you" so yeah....
I also rode roller coasters! yay!!! bring on the nausious ness!! The ones were really kewl I rode like 5 or six! !! the one I wanna tell you about is Sheikra though.... It was like a 30 minute wait! and the rollercoaster you drop like straight dowm 90 degree angel, but the thing is they like dangle you there looking straight dowm like you staright like this: | and then they drop you! omg! then you like spin and go upside down and stuff.. it was awesome so fun! xd other than that... I almost got my fortune told but it was 15 dollars and the lady yelled at my for sitting down.. stressed stressed xp xp xp so needless to say...I didn't get my fourtune told, lol.
thats was alll i did at Hol-o scream besides the scare zones but theres not much to say about those! I did something saturday thats interesting but I'll tell about that in a different post (cause I think this one is long enough) heart
Xx.shattered.xX Community Member |