ok, heres another poem, about me. Identity Poem
My life, myself, my eternity, me I shall wake up on weekends and what do I see? Creamy milk and delicious pancakes This is food that heals my aches
I wake up on weekdays and all that I eat Is fresh fruit and yogurt, it's really quite neat For you see, on weekdays, when what hurts is my feet Fresh fruit and yogurt will never be beat
But always before I am awoken My father arises with knowledge unspoken He's a great dad and he keeps himself lean And I'm very lucky that he isn't mean
But after my father is usually me I'm happy that for food he charges no fee After me is probably my mother She is a nurse, kind to one another
Last to arise is always my sis Her weekday bedhead you don't want to miss If awoken early, she'll put up a fuss And it's usually me at whom she'll cuss
There's still one I forgot to mention And this is with no purposeful intention Her name is Clover and she is a cat She always catches moths, but never rats
If you're looking for Jordans, there's always me But I still have much more family Unfortunately my grandfather has passed away So I'm left to talk about him today
My room is always full of stuff But still I never have enough I have a dresser, bookcase and bed The bed from my mother who keeps me fed
I have a computer and a desk Keeping it clean is quite a test I could really use a broom For that's what would really straighten up my room
this was a hw assignment 4 la. i ttink its ok; i got an A on it. blaugh
NicelyNicely · Thu Oct 26, 2006 @ 09:40pm · 1 Comments |