ok. i doubt that anyone reads this, but, i decided to start posting my original poetry here. I dont think its dat good, but my teachers are all like, "OMFG! U ROCK AT POETRY, JAMES! xd xd xd " and its only cuz they rhyme .So effing anoying. and then like 3 other kids come up to me and they're like "dat was rly good, surprised " and then 5 kids are like " good jorb" (lolz) an so i rank my self kinda high on the L.A. front. heres one 'bout a book...
Book Poem
I hold knowledge nobody knows, like old wars, with arrows, and bows, I teach people how to cook with lemons and limes, but people get stuck in me and loose track of time. I make people laugh, I make them cry, I make people wonder, “oh, why?”. In times of ruin, in times of waste, I make people Act with haste, I can do things, good or bad, have you be tom sawyer or galahad. I entertain people, and I teach them too, and the next on my list to teach is YOU!
good or no good? its ok if u think it sux. stare ill hate u. lolz. not rly.
NicelyNicely · Thu Oct 26, 2006 @ 03:21am · 1 Comments |