Setting: Medivevl like times but with a few modern things like indoor plumbing, ligthing, ovens, refridgeraters, light machinery. but no guns, cars, bikes ect.
The kingdom of Arainya has been raided by pirates and even have lost there dear princess Jade. Jade disappeared about 3 years ago. her parents, queen sieren and king berlin have been worried sick to death about her. Unknown to them she has become there most greatest emeny, the captian of the Emery Eye, captian Jade. most people think she just shares a name with the lost meek princess. Capt. Jade is much stronger and more outward then the meek princess. most people dont relilize that the meek princess was just a cover for jades real abliltys and feelings.
jade's parents sent there favorite capt of the guard after Jade the pirate and also search for Jade the princess. He caught the pirate and took her back to the King and Queen, only to everyones surpirse that jade the pirate and jade the princess was the same person. jade ended up returning to her old life as the princess of Arainya. Later on she married that same guard that brought her in. Jor Magatsuhi.
The sotry starts many years after the marriage, King berlin and Queen Sieren have died from old age and now Jade and Jor are in charge of the kingdom. They have 4 Childern, born inthis order: May(24), Shagami (20), Arami (16), and Chirstene(11).
Shagami suffers from a rare disease called XP. He can not be in the sunlight. if his skin gets even a trace of sunlight on it, it'll sunburn and then become a very harmful skin cancer. because of this Shagami is locked in the south tower called Wolf's Spire.
What's happening: Jade just died of unknown causes, a lot of people think it was murder from a neighboring nation. Jor is in mourning. May is in a different part of the counry to become a priestess. Arami is training to become a guard captian and Christene is just going along her normal princess dutys. Shagami is locked in his tower, Like he is everyday. He studies magic and medicene. He is only allowed out during the night, where the sunlight wont hurt him.
Characters needed for RPing: The royal family is Rped by me (shagami)(unless wanted)
Royal Guard- maids and servents- Prince of neiboring nation- Princess of neiboring nation- friends for shagami-
Shagami · Tue Oct 24, 2006 @ 04:47pm · 0 Comments |