so i went around there word game forums and people had some very intresting things to say about my avi
for example if my avu where like a greek god of something some people thought it would be of
God of pearly gatekeeps.
God of Keyblade looking things.
God of Adventuring
God of Gamers
God of Angel Fighters
The God of minimal war.
God of childhood dreams
iya ythmir god of busting up things with hammers.
and my favorites
The God of the Enlightened Soldiers
God of good spirits
God of goodness, kindness and innocence. Also a saint of murder victims.
The future seeing god, patron saint of seers
The God of wind, fire, and rock n roll
Call Me Chrisi God of those in need of protection
also people said that if i were a highschool stereotype i'd be
The abercrombie kid. He's every girl's fantasy, even if he has no personality and below average intelligence. He gets an awful lot of fan mail, most of which he doesn't bother to read, and once someone sent him a plastic flamingo.
The aspiring musician
The kid that played the guitar at lunch every day and had tons of groupies
Cool glam dude, dunno, plays cool tunes on his guitar, nothing badass.
Sunshine Superman Jesus freak (its the halo)
Frank Lee the mysterious person everyone wants to hook up with xd
blurring_the_lines The kid that played the guitar at lunch every day and had tons of groupies The fun guy in choir who always breaks out into jazz routines when the teacher is out of the room.
The kid who GLOWS from all the chemicals he ingests.
so yeah those are some of the things people think of my avi
if i was in an anime/videogame i'd be
He is a celestial being that was sent down to guide the hero of the story and wound up being caught up in some large scale battle. The angel brought down from heaven to guide the main character to his/her destiny
The chibi-esque child hero who sets out on a quest to save his best friend (who just so happens to be the princess of his homeland) from his evil twin brother. He is joined along the way by a slew of wacky characters, fighting cartoonish monsters and levelling up his weapon along the way.
The hero of course! Strong and brave with a dash of lyal, the hero will fight for good no matter what it takes, using his magical abilities to his advantage and easily striking down the villain with a pure-hearted blow... As the levels progress, he gets stronger and stronger abilities until he ends up with powers to summon spirits and angels to come and aid him in battle..
The sweet, funny boy whose life is all about bears. You reluctantly let him into the party, but you find out that he's bonded so much with bears, they do anything he tells them to, including doing kickass fighting movements.
me as a yu-gi -oh card Attribute: Light
Type: Spellcaster
Effect: If this monster attacks a faced-down position monster, it is automaticaly destroyed without flipping, activating effect, or damage calculation.
Atk: 2000 Def: 2000
Level 5 Star
(I know I didn't have to but I got into the moment)
Levi Jones · Sun Oct 15, 2006 @ 09:39pm · 0 Comments |