The reason why I didn't go to sleep until 6 AM... |
So, yesterday, my friend, Katie, took me and my other friend, Alyssa, to the #1 Haunted House on LI: Darkside. Understandably, we were all a little on edge about it, especially with the constant whirr of a chainsaw in the background and screams ringing out all around us. But I digress.
Anyway, we were waiting on line to go in to the graveyard, which you have to walk through first to get into the actual house. We were almost going to pay, and Katie's dad suddenly comes up behind me and screams, "RAH!" in my ear. Now I, being a first-class fraidy cat (and having had second thoughts about this since I'd said "Maybe" to Katie), freaked, shrieked, and grabbed Katie, I think. It may have been Alyssa... But anyway, we went up and the "scary" guy gave us the shpeal: No touchie anything, follow the rules, blah blah blah. So, after much debate about who should go first, we walked slowly into the graveyard. We passed the first scene, and suddenly, some crazy guy bursts out screaming, "GET OUTTA HERE!", which I was only too happy to do, so I scremaed and ran, and saw a hand pop up from behind the fence, so I screamed some more. After that, it gets a bit fuzzy, becuase I pretty much just screamed bloody murder and ran like hell. But somewhere in there were a couple of guys with chainsaws, some guy screaming that we'd taken his baby (although he asked Katie a minute later if she wanted to hold his baby), and some other scary-a** stuff that I missed becuase as I'm running down the path who should appear but Michael Myers! That's right, the white-masked, Jamie Lee Curtis-tormenter from Halloween. And somehow, our group gets back together and I'm huddled behind Katie's dad's girlfriend, practically hysterical from fright, begging them to let me just leave. And what does Michael Myers do? He keeps freakin' staring at me, tormenting me, just like all the other people did, because they could tell I was the one most afraid in the group. I was what I've come to call the "weak link".
So, anyway, as he's staring at us, it gets totally quiet, and Katie says, "I love Michael Myers." He turns to her, looks down at the big-a** (plastic) knife he's carrying, and hands it to her! She just looks at it and smiled and nods, then hands it back, but he doesn't exactly move, and then...well, I think someone else jumped out and scared the s**t out of me, so I began running (backwards, I mihgt add), to which Katie screams, "What the hell are you doing?!" I sobbed something about my brain not working from fear, and finally, reached the entrance to the haunted house, which has another gate that leads to the exit of the graveyard. So I begged and pleaded not to go in, and Katie's dad was cool about it, so Katie, Alyssa, and I left as Katie's dad and his girlfriend enter the haunted house. But leaving wasn't so easy, seeing as a girl who was cut in half at the waist kept scremaing stuff at us, like, "HELP ME, PLEASE!", and "Look what they DID TO ME!", and "Come in here, NOW!" Which, obviously, we didn't. So, I went to Darkside, but never even made it in the front door.
Outside, we got hot chocolate, and some guy who worked there tried to get us to go in the house, but we declined. And apparently, the guy in the Michael Myers costume had wanted to come up and check on us, which I think was actually really sweet, but he didn't, which was probably be a good thing. If I had seen the mask one more time, I'd probably have fallen over dead. Anyway, after only a few minutes, our group was reunited, I calmed down a bit, and we got back in the car. But instead of just going home, we went to the Oc-O-Nee East Diner, and got some food. Katie had a shirt on that read "What?" So, I said Alyssa needed one that said, "Huh?" since she kinda zones out a lot, and that mine would be, "AHHHH! Take her, not me!", or something to that effect. After that, we stopped for gas. Ugh.
At the gas station, Katie's dad got out to pump gas. I had my back to the window, chatting with Katie and Alyssa, and Katie goes, "Don't look..." So, of course, I did, but barely. I still screamed bloody murder anyway, and clutched onto Alyssa. Poor girl. Everyone else laughed at me.
Finally, after a tres, tres eventful day, I was dropped off at home, and eventually laid down to go to sleep. Which didn't happen until about six AM when it started to get light out.
So needless to say, I am VERY tired, and still a bit nervous, but okay. And all in all, yesterday was an awesome day.
*~*KT McG
p.s.--That does NOT mean that I'm going back to Darkside anytime soon!
p.p.s.--I am, however, going to an Evanesence concert tomorrow! YAY!
 ^The source of my discontent...
OuEstLaCraie · Sun Oct 08, 2006 @ 09:23pm · 6 Comments |