New RP Char!
Name: Kara
Race: Half Drow
Description: Kara is a slim, 5 foot 2 half Drow elf. She has both the skin, hair and eye coloration of her mothers' race (the Drow) but the even temperment and the lack of bloodlust of her fathers' race (the humans).
Age: 25
Weight: 110lbs
Eyes: Bright Fusha
Hair: Her hair is a straight, thick white that hangs down to her mid back.
Personality: Having been born half Drow, half Human, Kara grew up not belonging any where really. Her mothers' people would have massacred her on the spot, as well as her parents, and the rest of the world seemed to want to have nothing to do with the all too Drow looking girl. As a result, she grew up jaded and alone.. but predictably, craving for acceptance and love.
In her desire to have both these, she left home foolishly against her parents wishes. She didnt believe the stories of how halfbreeds were treated away from their birth places, she didnt believe the horrors that could befall her.
Apparently, she was soon to learn.
Heh.. I lurve Drow.. I never get to play one in DnD though.. they'd be killed on spot frankly.. XD
Shu-Yanna Community Member |
Community Member
[Edit: Fuscia? Fuscia? .... never mind. >>]