The Many Faces of Ariadne Schayxon |
Shadow was the is the woman that started it all. As time went on, the character matured, changed age, race and appearance, and even got her own--original--name. The was one thing that stayed the same though, and that was her character. Shadow will always be Shadow to me...
Anyhoo...her are the many faces of my beloved Ariadne!
1) Ah, this one was fun. Here I got to play an evil character destroying royalties and claiming kingdoms under order of a Dark Lord. Secretly though, she plotted to overthrow her Lord, and take the throne as her own. While this was not the roleplay that started it all, this character definitely was...
Name: Ariadne Schayxon Nickname: Shadow Age: 247...though she appears to be in her twenties. Gender: Female Race: Shadow demon Appearance: Ariadne stands at about 5'5" and her long white hair easily runs half her length, never to be tied back or tamed by a brush. The silky white strands often hide her tattooed eyes, and this is with reason. Her corneas are no longer white. Instead they are a rick black, and her irises are an odd shade of yellow. Like most demons, she also comes with a set of fangs. Granted, they are short ones, but they are still fangs no less. While her busty, slender, and curvaceous body may look fragile, beware because it is anything but weak. Ariadne may have a nice shape, but it is not one often appreciated. The majority of all men she meets are in battle not in bed, thus, despite her revealing apparel, her body is rarely given much attention. That aside, she won’t hesitate to use it as a distraction if such actions can prove beneficial for the young demoness. Her skin is unlike the ebony skinned people of her own demon folk, hers’ is soft and bronze in color; her tan skin in complete contrast to her odd eyes. Also unlike her people, she also has a huge pair of black angelic wings that she may call and dismiss at will. However, due to the immense pain that is brought on by such actions, she limits her use of her wings to only when necessary. It is because of these differences that it is often disputed who her true father is. Last but not least, she has a pair of black gems embedded on the back of her hands. When in danger, or even when they are being used for simple tasks, they glow a strange purple. Clothing: She was never quite fond of the long flowing, corset wearing, overly modest women she had met in her travels. She finds the clothing too restrictive and far too fake for her liking. Instead, she wears a rather short, black and crimson dress that reveals ample cleavage. While she may be anything but modest, she still prefers to have a lot of her skin covered, thus she wears black tights and removable sleeves. This way she is both warm and stealthy.^^ Her black hooded cloak usually conceals her appearance but holds more practical uses such as keeping her warm. Weapons: The Sister swords are two twin black bladed katana forged of enchanted obsidian; one of these beauties being the Sword of Insanity, the other, the Blade of Chaos. Each sword’s black glass-like blade is accompanied by a black and crimson hilt. Her Jinkotsu Scythe, forged of the same enchanted obsidian, is a black scythe that is fused with a shadow stone. With the stone fused into it, the Jinkotsu Scythe has a boosting effect on her shadow demon abilities allowing her to perform an array of shadow attacks with enhanced strength and lower energy consumption. Shadow also has one final weapon, a hidden weapon. Her Jinkotsu blade, a short length katana, sheathed into the long staff of the Jinkotsu Scythe. Element: Being a shadow demon, Shadow has easily mastered the element of darkness. Confident in her shadow skills, she quickly began to study another. She started a new, more dangerous element...she started to play with fire. Skills: Being a darkness master, Shadow has the ability to control shadows. While this is rarely used as an actual attack, it is still quite effective as defense and evasive magic. She is known to use this “power” to quickly vanish and evade brutal hits or even to hide in a nearby shadow to avoid fighting altogether. Shadow is often thought to have practiced weak white magic, but this actually does not come from her at all. Healing, and along with a few other powers that she has yet to understand, or even a few she has yet to discover come from the two black jewels embedded in her hands. Along with her other abilities Shadow has can summon an array of rei ki attacks. Yet due to the massive energy drain and strain that they put on her body, they are rarely ever used, and she will stick to Flame and Shade, infusing them with her swordplay. Major Weaknesses: Being a creature of the night, Shadow’s abilities are limited during the day. Her Shade abilities all but vanish, yet Flame remains. Also debilitating, is the fact that she is rendered completely blind during the day. When I meant her Shade ability all but vanished, I meant she was left with only one thing, the ability to see, and feel shadows. This gives her a very limited view of the tings around her. At times such as high noon, or any place where shadows are in short supply, she literally in the dark; seeing nothing but solid black, making her quite vulnerable. Personality: A product of her life experiences, Ariadne is a creature of caution. She is always on edge, and rarely lets her guard down. While at times she may seem to be a bit friendly, keep in mind that she also has a fierce temper. Aside from that, she isn’t one to show too much emotion, fearing that wearing her heart on her sleeve will give the wrong impression, and that it will only cloud her judgment. Past: Shadow has an average past, just like any other. She had two parents, like most, and is the eldest of three. The only reason she left her prosperous hometown far below the surface was out of boredom. Yet growing up in such a place can make on naïve. She had to learn a few tough lessons quick, and ran in to her share of problems along the way. For example, never before had she been looked down upon for simply being a woman. But after all was said and done, she figured things out.
Shadow - The pic is an old, old one. The only real change I made for the profile was the fact that I gave her normal ears.
2) This is from a futuristic RP where the side affects of a bomb had given special abilities to all survivors...
Name: Ariadne Schayxon Age: 24 Height: 5'6" Weight: 134 lbs Eye Color: Her eyes are dark blue, with specs of grey around the edges and center of her iris. Hair Color/Appearance: Ariadne's hair is long, often causing annoying strands to fall in front of her field of view. Her full bangs are at a medium length, stopping just before her eyes but completely covering her eyebrows. Meanwhile, the rest of her jet black hair cascades down her back, falling three inches just below the bottom of her shoulder blades. It is brushed daily to give it a straight, neat look; but she also has dark blue highlights to keep her hair from becoming overly dull. Gift: The side effects from the bomb allowed for further thinking on Ariadne's part. Sections of her mind that were once locked behind iron doors were unlocked, giving her access to higher thinking. It is because of this that she has become so engrossed in technology. All of the gadgets she uses being a by-product of her "gift". Naturally, she also became a skilled computer hacker. Thus making money easier to come by when she can simply hack into bank accounts undetected, change a decimal point here, and add a zero there and leave before anyone even noticed a change. Area of Skill: Marksmanship is Ariadne's area of skill. It is however, not really a skill that she perfected on her own. It actually comes from one of the gadgets that she invented. Her sunglass--although they have multiple functions--have a built in scope in the left lens, allowing for better precision when firing both short and long ranged weapons. To be honest, the only real skill that she developed on her own for her shooting was a steady hand. One can only imagine how long that took. After all, her fingers are constantly clicking away at keyboards. Still hands are hard to master when you are so accustomed to the fast twitch of typing. Overall Appearance: Ariadne is of average height and weight with bronze skin. She is strong, but being a woman she is not muscular; leaving her with a slender yet curvaceous body. Her clothing only compliments her feminine features for it is very formfitting. Her formfitting top is a long sleeved, black turtle neck half shirt that reveals ample stomach and shows how busty she really is. Her low rise, tight black jeans reveal even more of her middle section, exposing the tribal tattoo that is located on her lower back. While her jeans are full length, they aren't fully seen due to her knee high, black combat boots that have a special built in feature. Their many buckles securing the boot tightly around her leg and foot, maximizing grip, enabling for faster running. Also, Ariadne is a fan of rings, wearing to silver rings on each hand; one for both her index and middle fingers, and a black ring on her right pinky. These rings made are visible by her fingerless black gloves; just like her boots, they have the same hidden feature. Weapons: A marksman, her weapon of choice should be evident. Guns, guns, and more guns. While she can wield a multitude of types, she highly favors one. Ariadne dons a pair of twin liquid metal ion pistols. The pistols themselves are black with silver barrels, and the liquid metal cartridges are silver with blue ion cells surrounding the cartridges. On top of each gun is an explosive shot for secondary fire. The shot itself is a blue crystal projectile that explodes on contact. This however, is limited. It is for medium range shots only, no shorter or farther; either risking personal harm, or missing the shot altogether. Also, this must be reloaded after every shot; often over heating, it limits how often this shot can be used in succession as well. Bio: Knowing about the devastation that her government has caused, this young woman is an anarchist to the extreme . It is because of this that she has spent all her days planning ways to stop it. Like most, her ways have turned violent, resulting in terroristic attacks on government buildings and officials. She has also spent her time aiding any and all rebels that came her way. Putting her knowledge to good use, she hacks files and builds weapons and machinery for any in need. Keep in mind however, that this never was, and is still not done for free.
3) Once again, I'm one of the bad guys. There really wasn't much done with this RP...because it died sweatdrop ...but I still liked the character. Character Name: Ariadne Schayxon Age: 147 Gender: Female Race: Helldom Necromancer Specialty: Never forgetting the ways of magic, Ariadne still fights with it, just in a different way. She turned to the dark arts, using necromancy instead of revival spells; curses and traps instead of healing and aiding. She is known for summoning the dead to aid her in battle. Sending two or three undead to smite her foe along side her, or even to drain the life of lesser beings with a mere touch. While it may be what she is known for, they are not used often due to how much magical energy they drain. Weapons: A twin pair of enchanted scimitars. Not to worry though, the enchantment is simply there for enhanced speed…that is, unless you are slow, then feel free to worry. Alliance Status: Darkness Alliance Bio: Once a Cleric Elf, Ariadne is fond of magic. However, on that fateful day when she encountered a Darkmore mage, a mage far more powerful than her, her life ended. When she had risen again however, she was no longer the elf she used to be. Her creamy skin and long golden locks turned dark, and her eyes burned with hatred. True, she hates the Darkmore mages for what they have done to her, but she is grateful as well. In the process she learned a new skill. You see, she no longer fights with a staff, but now with a blade. Now she vows to turn her merciless swords against those who had abandoned her in her time of need; those who ran in fear instead of fighting. Ariadne joined the Darkness Alliance for a reason, and that was to do away with the weak…to rid the earth of those pitiful elfin clerics. Personality: Ariadne is barely seen during the day, but when she is, she takes the form of a kind young woman. This is solely to reduce the amount of violent encounters because she is substantially weaker during the day. By night though, she is a totally different person. The egotistical elf is cocky, deceiving, and merciless. This cunning gal is crafty one, and definitely one to watch out for. Appearance: Ariadne stands at about 5’5” and her long black (purple tinted) hair easily runs half her length. Her long hair often hides her tattooed eyes, and this is with reason. When she was brought back, here eyes changed as well; her cornea is no longer white, instead has turned black, and her once beautiful blue eyes are now an odd shade of purple. She may have a nice body, but it is not one often appreciated. The majority of all men she meets are in battle not in bed, thus, despite her revealing apparel, her body is rarely given an attention. Yet, she won’t hesitate to use it as a distraction.
4) She was a fun one. This was the first time I got to be truly evil, killing things just because I felt like it. The plot circled around am ominous lake with dark, inky waters. It rested in the center of a forest teaming with magic, its own dark magic corrupting its surroundings. What actually made the lake so bad, was the fact that it had the capability to kill. If by some chance you survived, you were turned into an evil being whose sole purpose was to spread darkness throughout the forest and then unto the rest of the world.
 Gaia I.D.: blackghost7 Name: Ariadne Schayxon Age: 178 Race: Drow Gender: Female Magic/Powers: While she may be fond of the blade, Ariadne is known to practice magic as well. Being a darkness master, Ariadne has the ability to control shadows. While this is rarely used as an actual attack, it is still quite effective as defense and evasive magic, and also for summoning small pools of darkness allowing her to lurk in shadows undetected. She is known to use this "power" to quickly vanish and evade brutal hits or even to hide in a nearby shadow to avoid fighting altogether. Ariadne is also able to close her mind off to many psychological or mental attacks. She cannot speak telepathically nor read minds, but can set up a barrier blocking others from reading her thoughts. This barrier however, cannot handle too powerful of an attack and can only last for a certain period of time. Finally, healing. She cannot heal herself, but can feed off of the life force of others, gaining health herself. However, this rarely works and can only be performed on the freshly dead. Draining nearly all her energy in the process, this is rarely ever used. Thus, an injured Ariadne must venture all the way back to the lake for healing. Once entering, she must hibernate below its murky waters for several days before she is well enough to leave again...that is, if her injuries were fatal. Otherwise, merely submerging the injured area is enough to heal it in minutes...seconds for those nasty little paper cuts. >.< Weapons: Preferring to fight with two blades, she wields a pair of enchanted scimitars. They are like any other swords, but the enchantment allows for quicker movement. Appearance: Ariadne is a medium height female demon. While her busty, slender, and curvaceous body may look fragile, beware because it is anything but weak. Her ebony skin is complimented by her strangely beautiful blue eyes. Her chin length white hair flows freely, often falling about her face, never to be tied back or tamed by a brush. Last but not least, she has a pair of black gems embedded in the palms her hands. When in danger, or even when they are being used for simple tasks, they glow a strange purple. Call them a gift, from her second birth mother, the lake. Short History: Ariadne had a normal youth; she had two parents like most, and is the eldest of three. The only reason she left her prosperous hometown far below the surface was out of boredom. Yet growing up in such a place can make on naive. She had to learn a few tough lessons quick, and ran in to quite a few problems along the way. For example, never before had she been looked down upon for being a woman. But after all was said and done, she figured things out. Yet once all finally seemed to be going right, she fell into a lake, the Lake of Sorrows. During a fight, she had been slowly pushed back into it. When one leg--ankle deep--was in, the lake did the rest by pulling her in...drowning her. She lied at the bottom of the lake for many years until one day she was released. Her former self long since passed, she emerged a creature of pure evil. Personality: A product of her life experiences, Ariadne is a creature of caution. She is always on edge, and rarely lets her guard down. While at times she may seem to be a bit friendly, she has a fierce temper. Aside from that, she isn't one to show too much emotion and wear her heart on her sleeve, fearing that it will only cloud her judgment---but that was the old Ariadne, the new one is more malevolent being. With no regard for the life of others, she kills mercilessly. Her humor, down right evil. When one would laugh if a friend tripped, she would laugh if he died. She may seem nice at times, but don't mistake her intent, whether it be your life or items, you have something she wants, and she won't stop until she gets it.
blackghost7 · Mon Sep 11, 2006 @ 12:50am · 0 Comments |