mood:tired anime:some...not too much through music: "Du hast" by: Rammstein
Well yesturday I FINALLY got to get out of thes prison called "my house". I went to go see "The convent" at the movies with all my friends..GAH!!! Like there were so many ppl there like meh and my friends I thought I was going to lose my friends in the crowd! Well anyway the movie was great and my friends bein the way they are was great...stupied Ryan through for askin that all the preps to leave...but it was well today has been s**t! My main computer got a virus from meh leavin it on yesturday [nice one Vicky]!!! and I had to wake up EARLY in the morning to go to some guys funeral [4th one thes year] Which we went to mass and everything so I thought I was covered for the week until my mom says "Oh that wasn't mass you were just bein respectful for the dead going..we still have to go church tonight."... gonk I AM SO ******** TIRED OF ******** CHURCH!!! scream I am sure my mom just wants to piss meh off cuz she knows I don't believe in god and I hate god for given meh such a shitty life with shitty parents...besides kids at CCD LOVE to bully meh around so why the hell should I love god for makin meh hate church?...but anyways I am goin to hide from my mom so I won't go to church.... stare
-Vicky I can't wait till my mom is dead...cuz then I will FINALLY have freedom!!! 3nodding
anime_fairy_freak · Sat Sep 09, 2006 @ 08:47pm · 2 Comments |