Survey questions cause my friend forced this x3
1. What am I to you? 2. How long have you known me? 3. How did we meet? 4. Have you ever met me irl? 5. Would you ever like to meet me irl? 6. What is the best thing about me? 7. What would you change about me? 8. What is the best thing about yourself? 9. What would you change about yourself? 10. What is your favourite colour? 11. What is your favourite food? 12. What is your favourite dessert? 13. What is your favourite manga? 14. What is your favourite book? 15. What is your favourite anime? 16. What is your favourite TV show? 17. What is your favourite movie? 18. What are you wearing right now? 19. What nickname would you give me? 20. Explain your reasoning for question 19... 21. What anime character am I like? 22. Explain your reasoning for question 21... 23. What is your favourite pick up line? 24. What is your dream date? 25. What is your favourite video game? 26. Give me a question to answer for you... 27. If you were to have a tattoo what would you have and where? 28. Do you have any interesting piercings? If so where? 29. What is you favourite item on gaia? 30. What item do you wish they had on gaia? 31. If you had a super power what would it be? 32. What would your super weakness be? 33. What brand of shampoo do you use? 34. Do you lather, rinse and REPEAT? 35. Which gaia emoticon is your favourite? 36. What is your favourite pizza topping? 37. What do you want to be when you grow up? 38. What is your favourite precious stone? 39. What is your favourite diamond cut? 40. Which do you like better, Silver or Gold? 41. If you were the opposite gender for 1 day, what would you do? 42. If you turned into a child again for 1 day, what would you do? 43. What is you favourite song/music artist? 44. Do you prefer boxers or briefs? 45. Do you prefer panties, thongs, or boy shorts? 46. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be? 47. Which is better Mac or PC? 48. What is your favourite number? 49. What is your favourite word? 50. Are you going to repost this for me to answer?
samus x · Thu Sep 07, 2006 @ 06:13am · 4 Comments |