You ever have one of those mornings that everything thing seems to go wrong? Well today it was my turn.(sighs) I running late this morning, so I ran out the door without eating(not good I'm diabetic). I figured that since I work in a restaurant I could grab something there. But first I had to get there. Got out to the bus stop with 10 minutes to spare. So I start to read my book( A passage to India by E.M. Forster). 10 minutes passed then 20. Where's my bus? (grumble) My stomach is now angry for me not feeding it, and is voicing its complaints. Oh and I now have to pee. Greeeeeeat. And the damn bus is still not there!!! Arrrrrrgh!!!! Another 10 minutes passes. Of course I have to now call my boss because the bus has not shown. Which angers her, but now my posterior is covered. And now its a bit chilly. Wonderful. (sighs) Late, hungry, have to pee, and now cold. But wait is that a bus I see? Good news: yes. Bad news: it took me to a transfer point where I had to wait another 25 minutes. Whee. And when that bus arrived, it was 15 minutes late. Plus I found out that the driver for my bus was a no show.Lovely. It also takes about an hour to get to my job by bus. Joy. Well I got to work an hour late. nearly passed out from not eating, nearly wet my pants, and I may have a slight cold now. And what have we learned. Wake up early. Eat breakfast. Pee before you leave. Take a sweater in case its cold. And ........ buy a damn car!!!!
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