as i look at this world i see everthing go slow and see what othere poeole cant see am one of those people that look at the world in a diffent point as i listen to music i see more stuff as i walk at night shadows come from ever were as my shadow consrtolls the othere at night when am in the dark i think to my self what is going to happen as the day and night are one there is no next day becaruse if you stary awake all day and night diffent things come and go as i alone fight the things that try to take the world i fight the pain as i start to bleed and think about the porson that i care the most she its everething to me as i picter her in my mind i keep fighting alone intil the day i die
Ricky_Link · Fri Jul 28, 2006 @ 02:49am · 0 Comments |