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View User's Journal

It`s A Fairy`s Journal.
I`mma Fairy.
OC references.
Just the girls for now. I have boyfriends/spouses for these girls, but I don`t really care for art of them. sweatdrop

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    Name: Faye
    Age: 45, appears 16-ish due to a drink from the fountain of eternal youth.
    Hair: A creamy blonde-ish color, straight and waist short.
    Eyes: Sky-ish creamy blue, known to sparkle when something miraculous happens.
    Ears: Pointed fairy ears, please don`t make them super long though.
    Misc. Pink and green flower tatoo on her left arm.
    Wings: Triple pink angel-like wings.
    Clothing: A airy-like dress. basically, i`d lyke it if you were creative and created your own green fairy dress but feel free to use the outfits from the references.
    Shoes: Green sandals with jewels.
    Race: Mixed between fairy and elf.
    Acceceseries: she can be holding a big leaf if you want [see reference]. A gold tiara on her head with a green jewel is optional. But a pink jeweled tiara is necessary. *new* Also, a triple winged butterfly necklace, encrusted with pink jewels and tied on her neck with a pink ribbon.
    Weapons: Faye uses her magic when it comes to fighting. Sometimes, magic arrows. Do not draw her in any battle costume unless I ask you to.


    Dress: X
    Crown: X
    Shoes: X [please make the jewels green]
    Wings: X [please change the color to light pink]
    Wig/Hair: X
    Necklace (triple winged): X
    Tatoo: If her left arm is showing, please insert a pink lily tatoo with a green stem.

    old version of oc~
    x x

    new version of oc (draw this one)~

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Name: Isabella.
Age: 48, appears to be 22-ish.
Hair: Dirty Blonde With Curls, Shoulder length. Usually with a pink lily.
Eyes: Sky-ish creamy blue, identical to Faye`s.
Ears: Very pointed elf ears.
Wings: Dragonfly wings, sparkles like a rainbow when shone on.
Clothing: A cream blue dress. I haven`t metioned this but Isabella is very poor, nearly a peasant but she manages. So please don`t make her dress all hobo-like, but don`t make it elegant either.
Shoes: Blue flip-flops.
Race: Mixed between fairy and elf.
Acceseceries: She can be holding a pink lily in her hand.
Weapons: A elven made staff of oak with vines twirled around it and a glowing blue jewel at the top.


Hair: x
Lily in hair: x
Wings: x
Dress (Make it BLUE!): x
Staff Shape (blue jewel instead and vine twisted around staff): X

x x

Here we have some avis!

1 User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. 2 User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. 3 User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. 4 User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Please add winged ankelets for fullbody drawings. Shades are not essential, they may be removed. Eye color is loo.