Firstly, it has been a longtime dream of mine to own a BJD.. an over ten year long dream of mine actually, and now I find myself owner/mother to three of them (four, if you count my headless Pure Neemo.. or only one, if you're a purist/snob and only count resin dolls. xP)
Secondly, I've been meaning to blog about my dollies for a good while now.. and I've finally decided to suck it up and take the risk. I know the community can be kinda.. Peevish, so I don't expect to be accepted in said community, all I want is a place for me to post my medicre photos and very brief review. ^^' So here it goes..
Meet Abigail.
 She is from the Little Monica company and her face sculpt is the Elena sculpt. I bought her used off eBay, and she had come with a wig that was a little too small. I got her a new wig and a cute outfit to go along with it. She's my first ever resin doll, and I'm really happy that I chose her to be my first. Her being a 1/4 has worked out really well, as I don't think I'd want a resin doll in a size larger.. Too heavy for me I think. xP Her weight is perfect.
 She was strung too tightly when I received her, but I think she's loosened up a bit. : ) I also sueded her joints so she's pretty posable now. Her right elbow doesn't straighten out fully, but considering the price I got her for I don't mind.. and I won't be picky about a doll's little quirks, I think they contribute to each one being unique. ^^
 I haven't fully tested her posing abilities yet, as I do admit since she's resin I can be a bit overly timid with her. xP But I think I'm slowly being less cautious!
 She does stand on her own! With or without anything on her feet. All in all I think she's a wonderful doll and she's very photogenic. Depending on the position and pose she's in, she can either look sorrowful, deep in thought, innocent or mysterious. She has a lot of personality and I look forward to getting tons more outfits for her, as well as a different pair of eyes. I do like the pink she came with, as I think coupled with the pale skin it almost gives her an albino look.. But I think a soft brown would be less harsh and would suit her better. I went a little overboard with her pics, so here's some bonus ones!
Paper Mache Dollfie · Tue Jul 18, 2017 @ 08:01pm · 0 Comments |