so hi again I CAME UP WITH ANOTHER SHOW CALLED WHITE NEKO GIRL. whoops sorry bout the caps (for ayumi in cat form I decided to just draw her clothes on cuz theyd be impossible to try and impersonate why didnt i think of drawing clothes on before oh well too late now) (we plan to make this a show for both of us)
 A frisky high school girl whos obsessed with cats. and is stalked by an annoying girl named asuki that basically a fan of ayumi. she is age 14 and is never mean to any one
White Neko Girl
 ayumi after shes transformed. A hyper superhero that often messes up
  A gothic girl who acts like she dosent care but shes realy warm hearted shes also known as black neko girl ,(right). ayumi's stubborm partner.Her skills with swords and daggers prove very useful her age is 17.
 the grey neko girl. not much is known about her, only her partner knows. she is very sweet and one knows who she really is either.
 like shikami not much is known. shes orange neo girl shikamis partner and by guess shes about 12. very hyper and annoying
 A stubborn and mean looking boy that usually shows no emotion. he found Ayumi beaten in an alley after she lost a battle. hes obbiously much older than Ayumi but about the same age as yumi.
This show is about a girl Ayumi who finds A tiny wet kitten out on the streets on a stormy night. that night when se touched the kitten she turned into white neko girl and as it turns out everytime she touches that cat she turns into white neko girl. As it turns out there are 3 other people that have the curse ecept they have their own cats
dark_kitten_156 · Fri Jun 02, 2006 @ 03:15am · 0 Comments |