Wow the charity was so much fun on opening day, I loved it alot it was great. ^^
So far we have had a few random winners, and two people have applied!! I am kind of hating my 2 day "stick around"rule right now in a way I really want to start giving away some serious dough!!
My friends showed up, a few of the helpers were in such time zones they couldn't come but no worries guys I love yays all the same you rock!!
To everyone who came and the V.I.P winner Hero thanks so much for spending the time there in the charity with me and celebrating. I do hope more people will get interested in teh contests though, as they are for donating to the charity some extra gold. Well we will see, I raised like zero gold today for my own quest cause I made 2k and gave it away! All well. xp I'm also going to start putting these blogs in my journal for fun. biggrin I added image maps to the quest incase someone will buy to help me out.^^
Mori Hana · Thu Jun 01, 2006 @ 07:19am · 0 Comments |