Name: Hannah
Age: 8
Race: Fox,Demon,Human
Gender: Female
Posistion: Protector
Personality: Serious,caring
Mate: None
Other: hannahs whole family had been destroyed by demons. They spared her because she was the youngest of the family. They cursed her though and made her a demon with the powers of lightning. The lightning bolt shaped scar on her chest shows the proof. Hannah does have a new family. And her goal is to find true love.
Mom: Nibling_Shadow
Dad: ???
siblings: 1 sister
Pet: Hotaru
what? I made another Charecter xD
Name: Mushra
Age: 10 years(in wolf years)
Race: Wolf
Gender: Male
Personality: Loud, outgoing, caring, fun loving
Mate: none
Other: Mushra was abandoned by his family long ago
Mom: unknown
Dad: unknown
siblings: unknown
Pet: none really, but He seems to be followed by a small white Phennac(sp) Fox
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