I walked and walked and walked. Through the park that had been cleansed of them years ago, but still stood empty and lonely. I walked, across the field and down the hill, keeping to the sidewalk. Old habits die hard, I thought bitterly to myself. I gazed past the bare, abandoned cars that had been picked clean, only their skeletons remaining. Skeletons. I shivered involuntarily as I watched a familiar face become nothing but rotten and yellow bones among hundreds of others. Not now! I urged myself and bit my lip to keep the tears from overflowing. I stopped and closed my eyes. Bad idea. The familiar face now stared up at me through sunken, unseeing eyes and skin pulled taut with decay. I opened my eyes and continued walking. I didn't look at the collapsed hotel that had spelled "JOY" during the holidays. I didn't look at the giant abyss where there once was a highway. I didn't look at the black grass that, after an attempt to purge the area, never grew . Nor did I look at the dark stains that adorned everything with a red glow. All I looked at was the bridge, that barely stood. The bridge with its concrete slabs that had given in to the weight of too many desperate cars and its fence that had corroded through after being shaken off hinges. That bridge? She was my ticket to freedom. I could finally see it, off in the distance. I felt my heart speed up and I was filled with a dangerous excitement. I curled my fingers around one of the many columns of the bridge, savoring the moment before hoisting myself up. I stood lightly on the top of the metal pillar. Surely they could see me now, if they hadn't already caught my scent. I looked down the beam connecting each support and until my eyes rested on a break. I pursed my lips and calculated the distance of the gap before deciding that I could make it. I took a few steps tentatively before beginning to jog, then run. Finally, I reached the break and leaped. Landing nimbly on the balls of my feet, I looked back and smirked, obviously satisfied, before jumping down.
It's actually sad because this is purely the introduction. I never actually got to the part that I had actually thought through. And the even sadder part is that it'll probably be a while before I decide to continue it and by then, I'll have forgotten all the details of the scene I have in my head *sigh*
Polyester Dreams · Sat Dec 01, 2012 @ 01:58am · 0 Comments |