Character Profile for Revenant |
♦Katrina Kaiser♦

Main Name: Katrina Kaiser Nick Names: Kat, Katie “I would prefer you to address me by my proper title.” Alias: The most notable ones out of the many aliases she has are Porcia Catonis, Diane de Poitiers, and Anesidora Moretti. Alliance: Neutral Race: Original Vampyre
❧Physical Characteristics Age: A little over 5000 years, though most believe her to be nearly 2100 years old. Either way, she has the appearance of an 18 year old human. Hair: Golden Blonde Eyes: Light Blue Skin Tone: Pale Peach Ethnicity: Unknown Scars, Birthmarks, Tattoos: “You’ll detect no flaw on this beautiful body… though I still have that scar on my thigh.” Height: 5’ 6” Weight: 132 lbs Marital Status: Widowed… six times. “Good men are so difficult to find… even more difficult to keep them alive.” Physical Structure: Voluptuous, Graceful, and Very Beautiful "All natural. I have no need for glamour." Orientation: Heterosexual
❧Personal Info ❖Transcripts: Alignment: Neutral Criminal Record: Participating in the plot to assassinate Julius Caesar, being accused of witchcraft during the Early Modern European witch hunts, and an unconfirmed suspicion of murdering her third husband. Otherwise, nothing that wasn't considered common practice (or not recorded) during the times she lived. Level of Education: "More than five millenniums of experience and education far surpass any little degree you can boast about. ...All right, I admit, I've participated in collegial studies as long as they focused on actual education and not ladylike training." If Collegial: Doctorates in Business Administration, Public Administration, Law, and Musical Arts Current Occupation: Billionaire, Leader of the Vermiculus Perverse Imitata Coven “You dare question my authority?” Past Occupations: Senator’s wife {twice}; Fashion Model, Mistress to King Henry II of France; Actress (Theater and Film); Business Adviser for several fashion magazine industries; Countess of Saint-Vallier; Duchess of Etampes; Duchess of Valentois; Grand Senchal of Normandy; Lady-in-Waiting, etc... "I had to occupy myself through the centuries. I refused to idly sit by while the world was advancing." Family: - Unnamed Father {Undead} - Esther {Mother; Deceased} - Markus Kaiser {Eldest Brother; Undead} - Jakob Kaiser {Brother, Best Friend; Undead} "Of course we have our usual bouts of sibling rivalry, but aside from that, Jakob and I are deeply close to one another. We confided in each other, comforted in one another, and of course, boasted about our encounters. I have yet to see my dear brother married, though." - Lur Kaiser {Younger Brother; Deceased} - Three Other Siblings {Undead} - Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus {First Husband; Deceased} - Marcus Julius Brutus {Beloved Second Husband; Deceased} "He was the only man I ever truly loved... say nothing more to me about him." - Count Sigurd di Caletto {Third Husband; Deceased} - Loius de Breze {Seigneur d'Anet, Fourth Husband; Deceased} - Sir Alexander Lawrence {Fifth Husband; Deceased} - Walter Teravis {Sixth Husband; Deceased} "I assume you're sensing some type of pattern..." {No more husbands for you, lady.} Lovers, Friends, and Others: -Adrian Arturos {Former Fiance; Deceased} "Had I not have taken the cursed liquid, and had he not been murdered by my psychotic brother... we might have been peacefully married." -King Henry II of France {Former Lover, Confidant, and Companion; Deceased} "So handsome... and yet so enamored with me to avoid his wife. I suppose I was as attracted and devoted to him as he was to me." -Shaniqua Daniels {Fledgling} "I haven't received contact from her in thirty years... that is, of the voluntary kind..."
❖Personal: Personality: Katrina was the very portrait of the perfect wife due to her virtuous and affectionate nature, yet she was very courageous and had a fondness for philosophy. She was extremely loyal, as proved when she followed her family's footsteps and became one of the Originals and during her marriage to Brutus, though her involvement in the assassination of Julius Caesar may have proved either an underlying desire for power, or the desire to free the Romans from the dictator's rule. However, the news of Brutus' death may have affected her greatly, for throughout time she gradually became shrewd and manipulative, often participating in the courtly scenes and sometimes directly affecting the course of history, and also developing a very regal and aristocratic manner. However, there is a small possibility that the demeanor she had before that fateful transformation into a blood drinker might still be lingering underneath... not to mention the facade immaculately hiding the still lasting pain of a shattered heart. People Skills: Extrovert. At times, she may act like an introverted person. Goals: "Goals are for beings who wish to achieve them before their untimely death. For us, they are realities, not merely dreams." -Bring her estranged fledgling under control -Maintain her position of power -Get married again? Not very likely. Fears: -Death of her siblings, and ultimately herself -Being completely alone for the rest of her eternal life -Her heart being shattered into pieces once again Favorites: -Hobbies: Playing instruments, Fencing, Horseback riding, Painting -Drink: Absinthe "I attempted to drink a glass that was not distilled in 1892... Jakob was less than amused." -Colors: Gold, Purple, Maroon "Were you expecting red? I'm not sorry I've disappointed you." -Food: Chicken Parmesan -Music: Beethoven, Lacuna Coil, Apocalyptica "I'll never understand this infernal rap music... it disgusts me, really." -Place: Anywhere in Italy- except Vatican City "For obvious reasons..." Role Model: -Caterina de Medici "I admit... that woman was an influence on the French court, though not as prominent as mine. If only she had the backbone to stand up to me while her husband was still alive instead of hiding in the corner like the child she was." -Cleopatra VII of Egypt "If you are wondering where I gained my political skills from... you will find no greater source than the Egyptian Queen herself." -Elizabeth Taylor "An actress of great beauty and incredible talent... she will surely be missed." -Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria of England "Two strong and independent women that governed and advanced Britain extraordinarily. I did my best to prevent Jakob from meddling in the former queen's life and affairs."
Catch Phrase/Motto: “For generations, men have always claimed their superiority throughout history and the creatures of the Earth. However, time has always shown the true beings that have left everlasting marks in the world's history: women."
❧Skills,Abilities, and Powers Skills: -Political Intrigue: Centuries of working behind the political scenes provided Katrina with insight into the political system. To her, not much has changed since the last millennium. -Deception/Manipulation - Expert Linguistics: Considering she has been...technically alive... as long as her siblings, Katrina knows every Earth language, with a few exceptions being the reclusive tribes. The most common ones she usually speaks are English, Latin, French, Spanish, German, and Italian. -Weapons Mastery: Even during her times as a noble, Katrina has excelled greatly in the arts of swordsmanship, marksmanship, and archery. -Bloodlust Control: Unlike her other siblings- with the exception of Jakob- Katrina has control over her bloodlust to the point where she can resist it. Abilities: -Ethereal Beauty: ...No explanation needed for this one. -Agility: Katrina is extremely flexible and swift due to years of practicing gymnastics. -Musical Talent {Piano, Harp, Flute, Lyre, and Vocal Soprano} -Acting: Although being an actress has been honed from thousands of years of concealing her identity, it doesn't hurt to gain a bit of help from the theater for new techniques every now and then. -Total Recall: As a natural side effect of being an Original, Katrina can remember every detail and event in her life perfectly. -Culinary Arts
Powers: Original Vampire: *Enhanced Speed, Senses, Strength, Durability, Agility, and Power: Original Vampyres are stronger, faster, and more powerful than the ones they turn due to them being older and the first of their kind. They are even more durable and rival werewolves under the moon. -Shapeshifting: Most of the Originals are capable of shapeshifting like some of their children (the ones they've turned). -Mist: Varies from a light mist to a heavy fog. The stronger the mist, the more energy used. -Golden Butterflies: Can become a single butterfly, or a swarm of them. - Compulsion: Originals are capable of compelling, though if the target is wearing a cross or something holy related, said target is immune to it. Originals may even compel their own kind, except other Originals. - Accelerated Healing/Regeneration: Like all Vampyres, Originals heal at a faster rate then humans and can even regenerate their vital organs and limbs. - Immortality
Individual: -Blood Manipulation: The ability to generate and manipulate blood of her own or the blood of others. Katrina can also manipulate the properties of blood (temperature, acidity, iron, etc.) for certain effects. She can generate excessive amounts of blood to create haematokinetic constructs and/or appendages out of blood, and with her magic, can make them as solid as the real thing. -Sorcery: Charming or hexing objects, places, or even people with spells. Katrina is also able to sense magic in use within her vicinity. -Blood Magic: The ability to fuel magical spells through her blood or the blood of another. -Appearance Alteration: Can change her own physical appearance to disguise herself or look like another person. -Pheromone Manipulation: Katrina is able to manipulate her own pheromones of the pheromones of others for different purposes, whether to increase the compelling effect she has on others, or to even drive her targets to sleep.
Weaknesses: -White Oak: If they are stabbed in the heart or head with it, they'll be killed. -Werewolf Venom: If they are bitten by a werewolf, they will be driven to madness for a while (20 Posts) due to their system being stronger than that of a normal vampyre. They are weakened in this state. -Holy Water and Artifacts: It burns them, but not to the point where it kills them. -Wood: Although it seems like they can be killed this way, this is entirely false. They'll simply pull it out after a while and restart their system. -Spelled Dagger with White Oak Ash: This will put them in a coma, but it must be impaled through their heart by a vampyre or they will die. As long as the dagger is in their heart, they'll remain that way unless removed. -Sunlight: Due to their healing factor, sunlight will not kill Originals as it would a normal vampyre, but will constantly burn them unless they are protected from it. *Note: Unless they are killed through magic that is linked to the ceremony of how they were created, these are the only ways to kill them.
Technology/Weapons/Paraphernalia: -Golden Kiseru: A present from Jakob during one of his trips to Japan. She is hardly seen without the item... though it's unknown whether she actually smokes from it, or simply carries it around for display. -Dagger: The edges are lined with werewolf venom and white oak ash... the same one she used to inflict the wound on her thigh with. -Daylight Pendant: Worn around her neck whenever she ventures into the sunlight. Without it, she will be burned.
History Theme Song: Our Truth / Meadows of Heaven
During the Fall of the Angels, a family of nine lived in a small village that was filled with the children of the moon. They lived there in peace as if it were all okay. One night, the eldest and the fifth of the seven children decided to watch the wolves as they transformed. Unable to protect themselves, the fifth child, Lur, was brutally killed while the eldest, Markus, hid in-between two larger stones that kept the werewolves from reaching him. In the morning, he carried his little brother home, which enraged his father upon seeing his murdered son. Finding his wife among the other women, he dragged her away and forced her to create a way to protect their children. Receiving no help from any of the other witches, Esther, the mother created a curse by pouring water and white oak ash into a goblet. However, due to Esther not accepting the advances of the Grigori Asmodeus, he had poured his blood into the mixture. When the ceremony was completed, she gave the goblet to her husband to give to the children. Markus, Jakob, Katrina, and the other remaining children were all killed together and reborn together. After they awoke, they were given the blood of the most beautiful girl in the village to complete the transformation. Though they were given Daylight Rings and pendants to protect them from the now harmful sunlight, it was hard to adjust to the new everything, especially the craving for blood which soon became their downfall. The Children of the Moon soon named these creatures Children of the Sun, and fighting broke out when the second oldest attacked the village while the people were preforming a ceremony to honor the dead. If they weren't starved, if the moon was out and had they been prepared, the werewolves would have killed him- but they weren't ready. Most of them died, but the rest scattered as did the family. The child had also killed his mother, who had recently put their father under a spell to preserve him.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katrina was born the middle child of the seven Kaiser children, and ever since birth had bonded closely with her mother, though she and her brother Jakob had a growing friendship... and the common sibling rivalry. During her childhood and teenage years, Esther taught Katrina the magical arts, and of their importance in the world. However, as she grew older, the beautiful girl began attracting the attention of some of the villagers, and received several offers as soon as she came of age to marry. It wasn't long before she met and became engaged to wealthy villager Adrian Arturos, with their marriage scheduled to take place a month later.
The night her two brothers Markus and Lur were out witnessing the transformation of the villagers, Katrina was persuaded to remain home where it was safe. Though she relented, her worry increased when they did not return the remainder of the night. In the morning before she could rush out of the house to search for the two, Markus had returned home... and with the mangled body of Lur in his arms. As her enraged father stormed out of the house to search for Esther, Katrina tearfully mourned the loss of her brother, all while Markus and Jakob tried to convince her to break off the engagement. Once her parents returned, Lur was buried; however, Esther forbade Katrina from entering their room during the next few days. The girl couldn't figure out why- that is, until the day came when the goblet was presented to their father, who in turn had each of them drink from it. Upon Katrina's turn, she was given a choice: drink the contents and risk being shunned by her fiance, or refuse and be shunned by her family. Being loyal to her family as always, she chose the latter option, being killed and reborn with the rest of her siblings as the ritual was competed.
Although the other children were struggling to adjust to their new lives, Katrina had the hardest time, for Adrian was revealed to be one of the werewolves involved in Lur's murder that fateful night. As a result, their relationship was becoming strained... though their engagement continued at their families' insistence. Unfortunately, their marriage would never take place: her second eldest sibling, enraged that he had been turned into a monster, finally lost whatever remnants of sanity he had left. Though the family did their best to keep him under control, they ultimately failed. In her last moments of life, Esther had placed their father under a spell to preserve his life, telling the other children to run while she fought off her own child. Half of them scattered; however, Katrina remained behind... standing helplessly as she witnessed her psychotic brother rip out her mother's heart. If it had not been for Jakob and Markus returning and forcing him to flee, Katrina would have been next. While the three of them escaped, the cries of the massacred villagers were heard, and it didn't take long for Katrina to realize that Adrian was among the murdered. Their lives had changed drastically, and they could do nothing about it. Markus, Katrina, and Jakob remained together for a while as they ventured out into the unknown world. Though Markus split from the two a few years later, Jakob and Katrina remained together for a few centuries, helping each other control their bloodlust and strengthening their relationship. Unfortunately, after a heated argument, the two of them separated to explore the world by themselves.
Katrina's first major appearance in history was in the Roman Empire in 64 B.C., masquerading as the daughter of Marcus Porcius Cato Uticencis and Atilia under the name of Porcia Catonis. As the years passed, Katrina/Porcia was recognized for her fondness in philosophy and extraordinary courage, yet her ethereal and youthful beauty was the reason many men were attracted to her. Her political involvement began upon her marriage to Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus at around 55 B.C. The marriage was pretty dull, since the one-sided love Bibulus has for her was not real love- only deep infatuation. Katrina kept up appearances for the sake of her husband, even when he gained an offer that was not uncommon in Roman times: Quintius Hortensius, seeking an alliance with Cato, asked Bibulus to give KatrinaPorcia to him in marriage, promising to return her once the woman had given him an heir. Of course, Bibulus and Cato flat-out refused; in consolation, Cato divorced his second wife and gave her to Hortensius instead. Within 52 to 48 BC, Bibulus and Cato allies with another senator against the opposing Senator Julius Caesar; despite their efforts, they were defeated at the Battle of Pharsalus. Pompey's defeat resulted in Bibulus' death, and Cato's suicide three year later, leaving Katrina once again shattered and alone.
Upon meeting Marcus Julius Brutus in 45 BC, Katrina became friends with him, however, their friendship grew into something Katrina hadn't expected: deep unconditional love. However, there was one obstacle preventing them from marrying; Brutus' current wife Claudia, who was a popular and politically affluent woman. Shockingly and unexpectedly, Brutus divorced the woman and married Katrina, which was not very well received by some people, especially by Brutus' own mother who had been jealous of her son's affection for the woman she knew as Porcia. Nevertheless, Katrina was deeply devoted to him; however, fearing that her strength had diminished over the countless years, she resolved to avoid prying into his matters unless she was capable to proving herself to him by enduring a great amount of pain. Coincidentally, the opportunity came the day she found Brutus in distress, yet despite her questioning, no answer was given. Due to the genderist beliefs against women at the time, Katrina suspected that Brutus thought her weak because she was a woman. As such, she sought to employ her plan, though it was difficult due to being able to heal from wounds instantly. She eventually found a way; she inflicted a painful gash on her own thigh with a dagger lined with werewolf venom and white oak ash, and without Brutus' knowledge. After going one full day being weakened, she revealed her wound to Brutus, proving to him-and herself- that she was strong enough to handle anything. As such, Brutus confessed what had been stressing him the entire time: the plot to assassinate Julius Caesar.
During the days that followed, Katrina participated in the conspiracy, though she remained at home fearing for Brutus' life once the day came to murder the dictator. Her anxiety increased when he and the others who took part in the plot had to escape to Athens, leaving her in the care of some human friends. In truth, they were people who were still bitter about Brutus' divorce of Claudia, neglecting Katrina on purpose. With the threat of losing the man she loved, Katrina aimed to sneak off to where he was; unfortunately, the short spell she had placed on her gash to hold back the negative effects wore off, causing her to be weakened once again by the venom and sent into a short comatose state. Believing she was dead, Katrina was rightfully buried, and the cause of her "death" long debated due to the fabrication of her caretakers. A year had passed before Katrina awoke, unknowing of the fate of her husband. Not wanting anyone to think she was a vengeful spirit, she disguised her appearance and ventured into Rome, seeking the whereabouts of her husband. Sadly, the news of Brutus' death devastated her even more this time, causing her to wander away from civilization once more to heal her heavily shattered heart, which would take a very long time.
Many centuries passed, with Katrina finding herself in various occupations throughout the ever changing world. Within the Middle Ages, she became accustomed to courtly life, even marrying an Italian count during the 12th century. It was short lived- Sigurd was murdered two years later within one of the battles of the Crusades. Once again, Katrina fell behind the scenes, and despite the limitations the upper class- and of course, the dominant Catholicism- held on women, she found ways of achieving her many desires, even if they were to bring her a brief amount of satisfaction and pleasure.
Katrina's next major appearance was in the 16th century court of France, as the extraordinarily infamous Diane de Poitiers. She became accustomed to the Renaissance teachings of the period, and was married to Louis de Breze, Seigneur d'Anet, courtier of King Francis I... and an old human. Thanks to him, Katrina/Diane was welcomed into the court, becoming the lady in waiting to the king's wife and remaining in the court after Louis' death in 1531. During that period, Katrina handled her deceased husband's legal and financial affairs as the governor and Grand Senechal of Normandy, all while being the lady in waiting to two other noblewomen. Around the same year of her husband's death, King Francis sought her to mentor and teach his second eldest son Henry in courtly life, since the boy and his brother spent four years as isolated hostages to the king of Spain. From that point until Henry's death Katrina/Diane held a strong impression on Henry as the perfect woman, even after Henry married Caterina de'Medici in 1533. Within the twenty six years of the coupe's marriage, including their ascension to the throne, it was clear who the dominant woman was in France... and it was certainly not Caterina- later known as Catherine.
Katrina had Henry and the French court right in the palm of her hands. Not only was she made his mistress in 1534, but she was entitled to more privileges than the future Queen herself, who could not do anything to prevent it. Katrina was given a second chateau, trusted to write the king's letters, entrusted with the Crown Jewels of France- her influence on the king was so great that the official letters were jointly signed "HenriDiane", and her beauty was well known that she was featured in paintings and sculptures, some likening her to the goddess Diana. It was clear that Henry's love for Katrina exceeded the little love he had for his own wife. However, the great power Katrina held did not harden her heart. When Catherine gained scarlet fever, she nursed the woman back to health. With the couple being childless, she refused to sleep with Henry unless he visited his wife and had intercourse with her and resulted in gaining an heir. When the children were old enough, she was in charge of educating them. Nevertheless, even with the small acts of generosity from the king's mistress, Katrina only earned the queen's jealousy. Her powerful influence on the French court came to an abrupt halt in 1559 when Henry was killed in a tournament... with his lance displaying the colors of Katrina/Diane and not the Queen. Infuriated at the final insult and finally gaining the power she sought, Catherine had denied Katrina access to the king while he was being cared for, and even forbade the woman from attending the funeral. Immediately afterwards through being in control of the throne, Catherine finally stood up to her and banished Diane from the court for the rest of her life... that is, until Catherine's death.
Katrina spent the latter half of the millennium traveling throughout various places, one of them being Germany during the massive Witch Hunt periods. She was involved in the English court during the reign Queen Elizabeth I (mainly to prevent Jakob from meddling in the Queen's affairs), the Russian court during the reign of Empress Elizabeth, and even in the court of Marie Antoinette- barely escaping having her head decapitated during the French Revolution. Like Jakob, she held positions of power under various aliases and appearances; however, in the 1960's, she grew restless with the courtly life and stepped down for a while, deciding to take part in the social changes occurring through Europe and the United States and integrating herself with society once more.
Throughout the 600 years of the previous millennium, Katrina has built herself a coven, gaining several members of the vampyre race both young and old. However, she once again desired a long lasting companionship... and it wasn't long before she found the right one in 1980; a baby girl belonging to the lower-class woman Geraldine Daniels. Hearing of the woman's plight, she masqueraded once again as a neighbor, volunteering to care for the baby while the woman was at work. During that time, she grew fond of the energetic and sweet little child, with a tiny feeling akin to motherhood faintly stirring in her heart, causing her to seek making the child a part of her own coven... a true fledgling. As such, she fed the child a bit of her own blood each day, using a spell to diminish the effects it would instantly have on the child, Unfortunately, it wasn't long before the mother discovered her true nature, forcing Katrina to leave the child behind as she escaped into the night.
Throughout the more than twenty years that have passed, Katrina traveled a bit, though she always returned home to her home and coven. However, with this war brewing on the horizon, her anti-Lycan viewpoints from the past are threatening to rise once more, though she has resisted attacking any of the tribes for the sake of her coven. Even with her efforts, it's only a matter of time before one mistake results in countless bloody battles with the Lycans... and countless lost lives.
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." -Audrey Hepburn
Leonidas Pelagios · Mon Oct 29, 2012 @ 07:58pm · 0 Comments |