
I just recently made up with you Kana, and I'm still trying to show off change for you, but I adore you and do think of you as my Oneechan. ;-; I hope you either do, or soon will care about me a lot again. I rabu chu. heart

ENJEBURGER, you're like an adorable loli. 8'3 I just recently made up with you too. I hope we continue to talk and to stay on good terms and whatnot. </3

well haru, you'z nevar on. ;__; busy with your MMO gaems with yo franz, and other things. but i hope you're on more often, cuz we were RLLY close back in teh day. I feel like we've drifted apart though. </3 u silli tsundere
Zexion/Zexy bear/EDUARDO

I dated you over a year, and it feels kinda awkward now but we're franzzz nao. You're mai video gaem buddy. 8'3 I hope you get a PS3 soon, man. OH AND YES I USED A ZEXION ICON DEAL WITH IT YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE A LITTLE ZEXION STILL INSIDE YOU. DB

You're literally never on anymore, and I feel like you don't like me. </3 You're the Panty to my Stocking, and I lurv and miss you. Hope to talk with you soon!

YOU'RE STILL MAI MOM AND ALWAIZ WILL BE. ;A; heart I hope you get really active on Gaia and we talk a lot again. 8'3

BERNIEEEE. Even though we never talk you were legit my first friend when I got into higurashi and shet omg. Hopefully we talk moar dis summer, MY OHIO BUDDY. 8'3

OH BLAC. You've been around the longest. }] and what's ironic is, you're the most busy with college and whatnot. But you've always made room for MSN and whatnot. 8'D KEEP BEING AWESOME. d___d