::Out Of Game::
In real life, my name is Levrin Siniathdu. Or Levy for short.
I am 16 Years Old
I am a girl
I can fall for anyone I can trust that respects me. All of me, flaws and all.
Based on what people say...I suppose I am a quiet, submissive person towards people and am willing to do whatever is asked of me.
Well I am the second eldest child of my family. I have an older brother, a younger brother, and younger sister.
Our parents are always fighting. They took their frustrations at each other out on the flaws of my older brother, constantly complaining and pushing him to meet their impossible expectations. When I was young, he cracked. He ran away from home and we havn't heard from him since. His absence caused my parents to push their frustrations, expectations, and now anger on to me.
For years I have done everything I could to please my parents. Worked hard in school, even found jobs to do in the place of school on weekends and did everything they asked as best I could, tried to do anything I could to make them happy despite their rejections. To cope with it all, I saved up my money and bought a computer which I spent whatever minute of free time I had, and many a late night on either writing or talking to people. Sometimes I would play games, but a lot SIM or RPG games were too easy and bored me.
When my sister was born, my mother started having problems and had to recieve medication. Due to her now inability to care for my younger sibilings, I dropped out of school to take care of them. I had to quit my weekend job, finding an online one to supplement it, but I still ended up with more and more free time. Which led to me playing more and more games. I heard a lot about this game called Second Life and looked into it. Finding it interesting, I went and bought it on my 16th birthday and played it that night.
This is what i look like.
![User Image](https://i460.photobucket.com/albums/qq324/Nat9narutolover/AnimeGirl231.jpg)
::In Game ::
In Second Life I am Terrathdu Gate
In Second Life I am 20 Years Old
In Second Life I am a Drow
In Second Life I am an Archer
Based on what people say...i suppose i am a strong willed, stubborn, yet quiet person who avoids fighting unless i know i can win or run away.
I am Level 1
This is what i look like In Second Life.
![User Image](https://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvgqqp68Bf1qzhv3bo1_500.jpg)