Would you listen to me if I kept babbaling on about something that means nothing to you? Would you care to hear a tale of all of my misseries and misfortunes. No I am sure that would be something you would be happy to listen to. For if I had you hear that, then you would feel better about your own life by looking or rather lisening to mine and see that mine is worse. Or perhaps you would want to start a quarel with me about who's life is worse? Would that make you happy? Would you truly enjoy listening to my hard times? Yes, you would I think, because you get pleasure in hearing about my hardships. Unfortunetly, I will not be telling you any such tale for no one is actualy listening to this.... or reading this in my case... so why am I even bothering you ask? Because someone might happen to wonder into my journal and want to take a peek at my hidden emotions. Or perhaps to analyze me? Oh well do what you will... I will never know who you really are.
Vampiress Alexandria · Sat Apr 08, 2006 @ 06:13am · 0 Comments |