What else can I do, besides avenge you

You know your boredom is bad...
...when you sleep to avoid being bored.
I slept almost all day. No reason other than I was so bored I could barely stand myself.
Oh, I could read, play DMC3 or DoC, even write or draw (I know Ben's been after me for this one for months now). But I've done those things so much lately (except for drawing :p) that I'm sick of them. Having no money to go do fun things sort of puts a damper on getting out of the house too.
I really need a job. Hopefully I'll hear back from my one and only prospect soon.
I think this upcoming weekend I'll splurge a little and go see a movie. I thought about that today, but I hate going to the movies on a Sunday. Too many damn people everywhere. Goes to show how desperate I'm getting, being cooped up weeks...
Speaking of cooped up... not too long ago I had the pleasure of being in the company with a very dear friend. She drove all the way down here (show's you devotion, eh? or maybe how crazy she is), and despite all the mileage plunked herself with me in my living room.
It was cool.
We hung out, watched the final episode of Flav gettin' hitched with some ladies in this celebrity thing on VH1, made tons of jokes... and just enjoyed each other's company.
We went to the movies aftwerwards, and saw V for Vendetta, which was a very kick a** movie, might I add. I'm glad I chose it, from the Hills have Eyes, which my sister told me was gorier than Saw.
Anyways... I really miss hanging out with her, and it was cool the amount of time we got to hang out and all. Wouldn't mind doing it again. <3
Uh... roleplay wise, stuff has really been lagging, all over the place. 'Iunno. PoC is finally in it's last stage, and I have made it as a Champion (did you expect any less?) and now have to search for the "final" boss and slay him. I like Athan, but Allen... eh, Crim just generally annoys me.
Ah well.
My Babel storyline is plodding along steadily as well... I expect that to come to a conclusion maybe in the next month or so, at the rate we're going... maybe 2 months at most. Lordy, lol. But I am roleplaying with a good group of people, so I don't mind the wait.
Hum... Ertai's on the rise as a all around dickhole again, but whatever. He seems to gave regained his fetish for wanting me dead. =D
I keep hearing all this bad carp happening with Veronica, and how down she's been this past few days or whatever. IT MAKES ME WANT TO KNOCK SOME SKULLS IN.
She deserves to be happy, honestly.
Last, but certaintly not least-- Nik has opened up an Art request thread. Bumpers would be appreciated, and artists even more so loved.
This is the news for now! Stay tuned for another month of silence.
P.S.- Steve, I have some One Piece WP for you, so please get a hold of me on MSN, ASAP.
Vahn Fah · Mon Apr 03, 2006 @ 06:13am · 1 Comments |