Julia's coming home tommorow. I'm over joyed, I can't wait to see her. Though I can wait to see her father. That man is so frustratingly annoying it's not even funny. ANYWAYS, just giving a quick update before she comes and snags me away from Gaia for a few days.
 Well I hate making super short entries, so I'll share some things I've gotten here on Gaia. That little guy there jumping around? I bought that from a shop, it only cost like 1200 and I rather like it. Want one too? Just ask and I'll find the store link for you.
This was given as a gift. It was made in MSpaint, I rather enjoy it.
 I'm not sure if I've ever shared this one or not. But it was another gift, it's small and cool. I like it, I just love all avatar art. Can you draw? Well why not help me out? cool
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Sat Mar 18, 2006 @ 07:16pm · 1 Comments |