Philus Nazmaerge Wings of Hindrence RP
"You will die...and I will be the instigator"
 **Gender Male
**Age Countless Years...the count tallies at more than 9 centuries
**Race Ecliptine Phoenix
**Personality Philus is cruel and calculating, a master of causing pain and seeing weakness in others. His sharp mind, standard to that of the phoenix race, makes him almost impossible to logically follow with a human mind. His intellilect has been dirtied and twisted by the ecliptising, and his logic is skewed. He finds violence a pleasant release of frusteration, and pleasure in an of itself. He finds love...repulsive. If one displeases him, he would as soon rip their spine from their still living bodies as likely as he would roast the victim slowly over a fire until their insides were fully cooked.
-Pain -Him causing the pain -Black Magic -Intellectual pursuits -Fire -Darkness **Dislikes
-Light -Love -Generosity -Ignorance -Stupidity -Begging **History Philus is an unfortunate phoenix. He was once the fiery ruler of the deserted continents to the south, able to do what he pleased, not caring what others thought of him. However, there came a time when he grew bored of his solitude, and saught the company of greater beings like himself, with whom he could have an intelligent conversation with. It was at this point when he was but a normal phoenix. He traveled to the North where he found a great desert city, and immediately he was welcomed and praised for his beauty and intelligence. All this went to the phoenix's head, and made him very proud and arrogant. Then, several centuries later, when the people of the city took their resident bird of fire for granted, the first solar ecplispe in many centuries occured. It wouldn't have been consiquencial except for the fact that it had been 600 years since Philus had last burned, and it was time for him to do it again. So, on the day he was reborn, a solar ecplise filled the sky. On times such as these, whenever a mythological being was killed/reborn/detroyed within 30 days of a full solar ecplise, the phenomina is called ecliptising. The consequences of becoming an ecliptine are immense. The eclpise released daemonic spirits into the mind of Philus, and these spirits hollowed the bright life from his body, setting his life force into a talisman, and Philus became in a sense 'undead'. He became skeletal and emaciated, with nothing but hollow sockets for eyes, and his mind was warped and twisted until nothing good remained. He took pleasure in pain, and he loathed people who didn't think the way he did now. In an act of fury, the phoenix destroyed the inhabitants of the desert city with his own strain of ecliptine black magic. He flew off to find his meaning in existance. He traveled north and west, and found an army of slaves escaping with their leader. He felt dark magic, and it exited him greatly. Finally, someone could understand! Philus saw the human army in pursuit, and took pleasure in ripping them apart, crossbow bolts and piked buried in his body, but not slowing him down due to his condition, where all of his life and pain is catured in the talisman Philus keeps well guarded. Such is how Philus Nazmaerge met Falat Dircragw. Philus become one of Falat's most trusted companions, and took on the role of 'interrogator', or 'head of the espionage'. He enjoys his new position, and has high hopes for Falat in achieving his goal.
**Appearence Philus is an ashen gold phoenix, about 8' tall when he stands completely upright, with a wingspan of 25'. He seems but a skeleton with skin and feathers stretched thinly over top, and his eyes are nothing but large, dark empty sockets which seem to glow faintly red when he grows angry. He has long, curved talons sharpened carefully to a razor point, and his feathers rustle drily, like old parchment.
**Abillities Philus can weild a unique strain of black magic only avaliable to ecliptines. It doesn't seem much different than that of normal black magic, but the rules of conjuring and laws of maintaining this magic are different. Additionally, Philus has his sharp beak, sharp talons, and his great size to aid him in battle.
**Other Philus carries around a rosary type cord upon which there are wooden beads and a bird skull, looking something like this. This talisman hold his life, and Philus doesn't let anyone near it.
Aribis · Sat Dec 11, 2010 @ 06:09pm · 0 Comments |