Laerke (Liruliniel)
Wings of Hindrence RP
Character Quote(in quotation marks)
 **Gender Female
**Age 27
**Race Elvish Mage
**Personality Laerke is a very quiet and reclusive individual, prefering to keep to herself when forced in among civilization. Naturally, she finds herself most comfortable in the great wilderness or, if that is not possible, the royal mews. She puts forth a chilly and ever serious face when around people, making her rather regal and hard to approach, and spurring some rumour about her past. She has never bothered to correct the rumours, but use these rumours as a sheild to better isolate herself from society.
-Mews -Travel -Non Society -Bland Foods -Music **Dislikes
-Society -Crowds -Conforming -People who are too nosy for their own good **History Laerke has had a very muddled history. It is said that she came from the isolated Elvish nations to the far west, coming across the great plains and forests when she was but 16 years of age for reasons only known to herself. She shed her elvish name, Liruliniel, in favor for a human translation of it, if for nothing more than to appear less conspicuous in Ibion. She was a great mage, coming into her power during her journey. As word of her power spread, she was adopted into the mage halls of Dalcion, and thus found a home that accepted her and her tight lipped denial of her own past. At this point the bloody far had just begun, and Laerke was 22. When Dalcion was destroyed, Laerke had been sent on an errand to a reclusive herbologist to purchase some herbs and rarer plants for healing that could not be found in the climate of Dalcion. When she returned, she saw the full extent of the devastation, and another part of her life was ripped away from her. She put loose binds on her magic, to keep it under control and undetectable so long as she didn't use it, since she vowed to herself she wouldn't after the mage halls were left in smoldering ruin. All she found left of the grand city was a baby Sky Svifer who had miraculously remained mostly unscathed during the destruction of the city.
She took the small fledgling 'firelizard' under her care, and traveled away from her 6 year home. Svifers are small, almost miniature dragons, but they have sleek feathered wings, a feathered crest, and small, almost scale-like feathers coating it's body. Laerke found herself in Helvalon, where she reported the destruction of the city in a few choice words. After the initial shock, the people of Helvalon took her in and she found a place as an apprentice 'mews keeper', and later became the mews master; keeper of the mews which held the royal svifers and raptors. She told no one of her past in magic. Once the king died, she was promoted to one of the council, to rule while a new king was found. She didn't know why they did this, probably more for her race than anything, but she decided she liked this new position in helping to understand and govern the country, and wished more than anything for the new king to be found.
**Appearence Due to her Elvish heritage, Laerke appears much more youthful than she is, though she carries an aura of elder wisdom and forbodance about her, seeming somewhat contradictive of her physical apprearance. She has mid back length muddy brown hair that seems to be wild constantly; it stays up for a little while, then tumbles down of it's own accord. She has the trademark elven ears that knife up the sides of her head, further enhancing the angularity of her tan and severe expression. Her reddish brown eyes hold almost no warmth, though it can be seen to those few she lets close to her and to her animals. She isn't terribly tall, only about 5'4'', however she has a tendency to 'look down upon' people anyways if she is in a particularly chilly mood. She has a thin, slight frame that doesn't have too many curves, lending her a twig like stature, like she has never really left the awkwardness of adolescence.
**Abillities Laerke can weild magic, though she refuses to do so and does not reveal this fact to anyone. Her magic is based in the life of all things, so that she can 'tap into' the life stream and persuade the plant or creature to do her will. She can force the thing to do what she wishes, but at great cost to her stamina and strength, and besides, the act of forcing against one's will was taught against at the mage halls. She doesn't know why, but she suspects her affinity with life magic lends itself to her strange connection with the hawks, falcons, and svifers of the royal mews.
**Other Her true name, Liruliniel, would give power over her to any that knew it. Such was the reason why she shed it.
Aribis · Tue Dec 07, 2010 @ 11:53pm · 0 Comments |