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A Day in the Life of Kairi
Otakon 2010
So, here's what happened:
Day 1:
Day one was a blast. It was almost impossible to get into the Dealer's Room and Artist Alley. But, my brother and I were pre-occupied with people running up and saying "Can I take your picture?" (We were dressed as Byakuya Kuchiki and Orihime Inoue ((Hueco Mundo outfit)).) At one point, two arrancars walked up, one put his hand on my shoulder and said to my brother "We're going to need to borrow her for a moment." I got a hug from Yami and a picture. At 2:00 we got ALL of the Bleach cosplayers together for a photoshoot, where Shunsui Kyaraku and Nanoa Ise got engaged. We did our photos by group. And I didn't get to do much in my group. The photographer made us (there was another girl dressed to same as me) stand beside the two Sosuke Aizens for both photos.
Day 2:
The good news is, we actually managed to get into the Dealer's Room and the Artist Alley. The bad news, some douche bad decided to pull the fire alarm and ruined Otakon for 28,000 people. We stood out in the heat for and hour and a half. But, of course, most of the otaku made the most of it and had a little "party." But, my group was on the OTHER side of the building from them. We tried to forget this catastrophe by ending the day with a bang at the rave. My brother and I stayed away from the dance floor, but instead watched a game of Twister and made up some. . .um. . .disturbing stories.
Day 3:
Before I get to the EXTREMELY FUN PART [sarcasm] let's talk about the "dance party." Long story short, we tried to get as many people to dance with us as possible. And we started with Caramel Dansen. eventually, all of the dancing was left to L, who showed off his awesome dance moves. And now for the EXTREMELY FUN PART [sarcasm]. Probably one of the biggest events at Otakon was Vic Mignogna. We REALLY wanted his autograph. Which is why we stood in line for TWO HOURS for it. I missed the Axis Powers Hetalia showing. Basically all I did on the last day was stand in line, since the kon closed early. But, we all went out to eat afterwards and had an awesome time. We had to hide the knives from my friend and deny her the Pepsi she so badly wanted.

So all in all, Otakon was fun. Alot more fun than I ever thought it would be. I hope to attend next year, but as a lesser known character.