I barely ever write in this thing so instead of just letting it sit and rot and writing my feelings on paper and wasting it since It'll just get thrown out anyways I thought to just place it here and since I can make the worst ones private I will.
Um so it's summer and this coming fall I'm supposed to be having my last year at this community college but I doubt it, I get lazy; I fail and then I just stop caring; It's pointless, I've been lazy my whole life and I doubt it will ever stop. I always take the easy route for anything; it worked for 13-14 years in school; now it won't and I know no other way.
I have also been talking to people who before hated me. I don't feel much genuine connection but I'm so tired of picking fights that I just stick back and say nothing. 2009 Has been hard for everyone and after my mother died, I just felt like fighting is just useless anyways, "We're all aimed at the same point, we shouldn't fight entry we'll all get there."
The song stuck in my head is Imogen Heap's Headlock