This is Lance, my very first MALE OC! Please don't steal him or use him for any of your RP's and such. Ask first and I shall give you the almighty rights of using him! 3nodding heart
Bio: Lance, along with his two siblings Bryan and Zoey, were brought up in a rural area of California. Lance was always an angel of a child, bright and always happy to help with everything and anything. He loves both his brother and sister to an upmost extent and despite his age, can act quite immature. He has an unconditional love for poptarts as well as large baggy T-shirts, but then again who doesn't. Other then being allergic to cats, Lance has no real issues that are highly concernable. Naturally shy and quiet, this werewolf blooded being can be quite the party animal. All in all Lance is a sweetheart and loves any kind of attention whatsoever.
The second male in this picture is Lance's brother Bryan. As you can see, Bryan just LOVES his brother rofl Not really. stare Anywho! The same goes for Bryan! Please ask if you want to use him!
Bio: Bio: Bryan is considered to be the black sheep of the family, seeing how his family never really paid that much attention to him. He hates Lance beyond all reason and wants nothing more then to see him dead, this goes for his sister as well. Being a Vegan, as well as a goth, Bryan chooses to keep to himself most of the time, this including his feelings as well. However, there is only one person and one person alone who Bryan truly cares for and opens up too. That person remains a mystery to most....
gooberfeesh · Sun Feb 12, 2006 @ 11:13pm · 5 Comments |