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View User's Journal

nightmare journal
ah it has been a while since i have written in a journal which i dont think i will be able to complete at all because of the fact that i dont really know what to put inside of one now lol sweatdrop anyways here it goes..
hey everyone, long time no talk huh? shocking that i am back but yep it is true.. i am back momentarily but i will try to talk some if not all of you. oh yeah before i forget... i have deleted over half of the people on my friends list because of the fact that i am not even talking to them and some have changed their usernames and because of this, i am not able to identify them. so please, if you are one of the people who should stay on the list then private message me so then i know and put you back up on friends list ^_^ thank you and oh look, i have been really typing for a while... it is shocking lol sweatdrop
anyways, i hope that i can hear from some people ^^

"to desires forgotten, my dreams replay lost fantasties" the play must continue in the hopes that one will applaude or make the dream true.