I've adopted! Name:catykyky Like:Fish and Deams!!! No Like:doggis Owner:catykyti Adopt Now!
 Name:catyco Likes:books Dislikes:comics Owner:catykyti Adopt Yours
 heart I'm a ninja...fear me.. heart My name is:coolcaty My Mama/papa is:catykyti Ever since( put your username here ) adopted me i am( the mood of your baby ) YOU CAN ADOPT ONE TOO!! ADOPT A CHIBI BABY
 heart 猫 heart My name is:KIKI My Mama/papa is:catykyti Ever since: catykyti adopted me i am:2/26/2010 and i am a cutie cat girl YOU CAN ADOPT ONE TOO!! ADOPT A CHIBI BABY
I HAVE ADOPTED A CHIBI  Name:kitykito Likes:fish Doesn't like:dogs Owner:catykyti YOU CAN ADOPT ONE TOO! HERE!
4laugh rofl 4laugh rofl 4laugh rofl exclaim rofl 4laugh rolleyes razz blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh 3nodding 3nodding heart
since it enters lleguar gaia always want to always begged the 250k and some donations ... and when I get the new game ZOMG! I started to play and I'm finishing at the level of 5.5 with 2 orbs ... new rings. easiest assignment ... .. everything is getting very good at gaia and so I think this family:
sisters: sharin shau, sharin cou, baby sharin rou, rou sharin, katykyti, catykity and katykity
brothers, plump and underwater demon naruto 222
cousins megazeroXXO and underwater111
and more open after a long time...
dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama
[/align:29f5ffe9e9] NAME INTERPRETATION crying [b:29f5ffe9e9][/b:29f5ffe9e9]: 弱音 (Yowane; negative sayings/thoughts) ハク (Haku; roughly translated as utter.) Her first name and last name make a play on words "yowane-(wo)-haku" (弱音(を)吐く), meaning to say negative thoughts or to show white feather. Her white hair is from ハク, which has the same pronunciation with 白 (white). [img:29f5ffe9e9]http://dl10.glitter-graphics.net/pub/804/804140p92omba4nc.gif[/img:29f5ffe9e9]
l-Matsuoka Gou-l · Fri Feb 26, 2010 @ 09:38pm · 0 Comments |