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View User's Journal

Me and my randomness !!!
This journal is complely random ! Well not completely It's full of stuff I need to remember and stuff I want to share !
Makermaker results XD.
Okay herre are the funny results that came up.
Tomy 95.9
Will(from drama) 95.0

Will ( from gym) 53.4
Johnathan ( from english) 63.0
Kaleb ( from ... RMS ) 75.3
Andrew ( AP ) 63.0
Chad ( neighbor) 63.0
Mike ( Alix's ex) 63.0

So ya some funny results XD.
Anyways my day was okay today, which is good.
James owes me money razz .
Rilea got Mike as Number 1 and Chad as two XD.
Haha Pat was Alix's number 2.
Pat and James should be friends thats what it said.
Rilea also ended up with Scott on hers XD I didnt even know he did the stupid thing.