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View User's Journal

Me and my randomness !!!
This journal is complely random ! Well not completely It's full of stuff I need to remember and stuff I want to share !
Great movie ! Just got home from seeing it with Marissa , Genome and Robyn.

School :Marissa didn't show up until lunch, Will totally snuck up behind twice and scared me. Pat and friends were all wearing plaid ( and they planned it ! Losers eh ? ) It was Alexis's birthday. Got 10 pieces of gum for Alexis XD ( I got two. Marissa got one. Tomy got one. Taylor got one. Will got one. James got one. Alexis got three. )

On the way home we talked to Zach. He is a stalker XD . ( old news ) He was totally talking about breaking in my house. So when Marissa and I went for a walk we were the stalkers. We walked by his house. Turned around and walked by it again.... thats it. Then we walked throught the snow back to my place.

We met up with Genome and Robyn at the theatre a few minutes before the movie started. We met them inside ( they were saving seats. ) We also say Audrey and Matt when we were buying tickets ( They were acting all couply ) Genome apparently loves my hair XD. He asked if it was naturally wavy and stuff. Of course it is so I said yes. Now hes jelous XD

All in all its been a good day.