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View User's Journal

Me and my randomness !!!
This journal is complely random ! Well not completely It's full of stuff I need to remember and stuff I want to share !
Monday ???
Lame kind of day.

Hung out with the usaul people in the morning. Hung out with Beckah,Amanda, Liz and Bradley at lunch. Meghan got her new cellphone ( and its awesome ). After school I hung with Meghan, Liz and Matilde. Koven broke up with Alison (( This may not be brand new news. But Koven just decided to tell us and was super secretic about why ))
Zach wanted to use my phone. I said no. Apparently he's getting a new one soon. Played ' would you rather ' on the bus with Carrie, Brie and Morgan. It was an okay day. But nothing beats last Wensday XD. Drama tomorrow.