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View User's Journal

Me and my randomness !!!
This journal is complely random ! Well not completely It's full of stuff I need to remember and stuff I want to share !
The light guys still dont have the lights.
Im staying after school tomorrow to help with the variety show.
Marissa did good today smile

LAST DAY OF BBT ! smile smile smile
Music tomorrow.

So the actaul school part of today was lame.
I got a point in Volleyball today.
I did a lot of spining in class. XD

I got my detention posponed again

Me : I hate to ask this buy can I get my detention posponed again ?
Mmme Richard : Why
Me : Mrs Briden decided to call a last minute practice tomorrow
Mmme Richard : Okay you can do it on Friday,

So ya the detention I got last Friday has been posponed a whole week cuz of all the drama practices.