yeah im bored in drama so heres the new dream avvie.. which i want ONCE i get the upside down purple boots..o.O

Meh friend Hollie says shes hawt so yeah.
had meh IT exam yesterday.. twas okies.. pretty easy. Sat in the exam hall for over an hour cos i finished so quickly then I got really sick and dizzy o.O
lack of sleep sucks fingers!
Today im generally tearful (and its not PMS && wink
Im alone at home.. I need someone around and I dont have anyone.
it makes me feel worse, I mean jesus im comfort eating I never comfort eat unless i need well obviously comfort.
Ill shut up with the depressing shite now.
and i apologuise for any spelling errors my hands are numb.
I also have a peice of avvie art.
I think this is by emu (she makes me feel hawt and wet in places ^.^)but i may be wrong..
either way it pwns!