Omg! I m such a loser! I just printed out the fairytale "Rumplestiltskin". lol xp I remember that story from when I was a kid, and it's still my favorite fairytale of all times! blaugh Haha... I am so pissed at this f***in computer! I lost my URL! I have no clue how! It's just not there, so I can only go on websites that I've added to favorites! This sucks! Luckily my Dad's coming home tomorrow so he can take a look at it. I tried to fix it (and I am actually pretty good with computers) but I probably just messed it up more... sweatdrop 3 more days til my birthday!!! Yay! I hope my friends remember to decorate my locker! They proably will forget, but thats ok. I won't be hurt. I've been hurt way deeper than that before so it won't matter...but you know what they say! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Well, at least some people say that...ok maybe it's only me...oh well! Bye! Can't wait til Friday! ^_^ And Thanksgiving cuz thats when my family gives me my presents! ((Inuyasha cursed mask *hint hint*)) Lol! I'm gonna go read Rumplestiltskin now! Bye!
Funky_chicken456 · Wed Nov 24, 2004 @ 03:07am · 2 Comments |