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'tis for sisseh! O u O
( this, is the convo I was telling you about. ~ ;D )

ricoxtomato is available 9:42 pm
Hmm ~ 5d and 6h ago Comment
ohpomodoro 9:42 pm
orz ;; who should I log on ~ ?
ricoxtomato 9:43 pm
Hola, Lovi ~
[ooc: Prolly shouldn't be distracting myself, but what the hay? 8D
Uhum... I logged on Nico to get his muse back up. -shrug-]
ohpomodoro 9:44 pm
( /yawn ) ********. i'm tired. = = ; ( ooc: hey now. you, should be doing what you're supposed to be doing. D:< ;; like I should. ~ )
ricoxtomato 9:46 pm
-smile- Did you not sleep very well?
[ooc: XD;; Nico will help me get it done, though. ]
ohpomodoro 9:48 pm
I didn
't take a siesta. ( /eyetwitch ) ( ooc: ;; pfff. I dunno who to log into ily, then. D: ( /is pathetic ) )
ricoxtomato 9:50 pm
-blink- Que?
Why didn't you take a siesta? That's not good! D8
[ooc:// Yasu or one of the Vargas Fernandez children is fine. -shrug-]
ohpomodoro 9:58 pm
Because I was too busy. As in. ******** busy. Can't believe this shiiiit. = ^ = .. do we have any milk left.
ricoxtomato 9:58 pm
-headtilt- Busy? How were you busy, Lovi ~ ?
I think so, but I'll double check! -nodnod-
ohpomodoro 9:59 pm
stupid ******** boss. ( /frowns ) I swear to God i'm changing my phone number or something. .. fine.
ricoxtomato 10:00 pm
-blink- So that's why!
Doesn't your boss know that you should be resting, though?
'Cause if he doesn't, I'll just have to tell him to leave you alone. -nodnod-
ohpomodoro 10:05 pm
He doesn't care. He likes yelling at me, apparantly. = ^ = .. do you think he'd actually listen to you? ( /frowns thoughtfully )
ricoxtomato 10:18 pm
Well, he should care!
You need your rest, Lovi! You can't let him yell at you our keep you from sleeping. D8
Si! He'll listen to me if I bug him about it! 8D
ohpomodoro 10:26 pm
I know I can't! But last time, he ******** came to my house and ate all of my goddamn bread.
Hm. Do it.
ricoxtomato 10:29 pm
[ooc: -sidenote- OMG, poor Moses... D8
I like the connection with the nosebleeds and Vesuvius. Very clever ~]
DD8 That is just ... ://
I will call him tomorrow, okay? 8D
Let's see how he feels when Spain calls and tells him to leave you alone.
ohpomodoro 10:32 pm
( ooc: I knoooooow. ( /kidnaps him ) aand, it's clever? o u o cool then. XDD )
I know! And it was the GOOD KIND. >:/ never letting any bastards in my house again.
Okay. I wanna listen .. because I wanna hear how he reacts if he gets pissed off. = w = ~
ricoxtomato 10:37 pm
[ooc:// Yush, it's clever. 'Cause Vesuvius is a volcano ~]
XDD Except for me, right?
I won't eat your bread unless I have permission. -nodnod; grin-
Haha, okay ~
I'll put it on speaker phone! 8D
ohpomodoro 10:44 pm
( ooc: .. whut. I feel clever now. Especially since it combusts when he's shocked or really embarassed. XDD ; )
.. bitches don't eat my bread .. ehm. Yeah, okay. Whatever. ( /waves a hand ) If you eat it all you'll just go buy me more. :/
( /nodnod ) and .. I'll help you with your Italian.
ricoxtomato 10:45 pm
[ooc: XDD You should feel clever ~
Vesuvius is the volcano that erupted and buried the Roman city of Pompeii.]
ricoxtomato 10:46 pm
I'll just replace all the bread that I ate! :3
Ohhh ~
I should really practice more, ne?
-headtilt- ??
ohpomodoro 10:48 pm
( ooc: 8D I kneeeew that. ~ .. D: I feel like i'm making Alfonso too mean .. > o < ;;;
or Moses too pathetic.
ohpomodoro 10:49 pm
Good. = ^ = and. Get honey too. I'm almost out. And, you should, seriously. :/
Nothing. > o >
ricoxtomato 10:49 pm
[ooc: They're fine! :3 Alfonso does seem like the type to tease a lot. And Moses is really cute ~]
XDD Okay, I'll go out to the market tomorrow and get you some. Anything else? -makes a list-
You have to help me, though. Tell me if I'm getting it right!
8D Okay!
ohpomodoro 10:52 pm
( ooc: And .. Moses is just too good a target sometimes. > w > ;; haha, he is. ~ btw. the gist of what he took that massive sentence to say is that he sneezed while he had a nosebleed and Lovi wanted to clean just to make sure it got done, and Moses insisted that he could do it. Which made Lovi yell-ish. But not really. Momo is overreacting. XD ;; )
ohpomodoro 10:54 pm
Err .. .. ( /thinks ) .. Mre flour. I always need more flour. And olive oil, because I think i'm running out. :/ ;;
I can tell you how to insult him, if you want... But yeah, i'll tell you. So you don't make a fool of me or anything .. ( /coughcough )
ricoxtomato 11:00 pm
[ooc: Awww, the poor thing...
Lovi's probably not even that angry about it. Maybe just a little annoyed, but not angry.]
-writes them down- Okay, I get those as well.
We don't need to worry about tomatoes... Perhaps I will also get a few vegetables as well.
XDD; Okay ~
I just hope that won't cause a war or something.
He really needs to learn that he can't be doing that to you. I don't agree with it.
ohpomodoro 11:04 pm
( ooc: well .. now he's pissed, because he wants to make it better but .. .. omg. o w o Lovi teaching a little Moses how to make pizza ~~~ so cute. <3 he'll do something like that. instead of apologizing or anything, he just does weird little things with them. cx -)
eh .. i'd ask you to get cheese but you probably have no taste .. and if you cause a war i'm becoming a ******** nun. >8/ ;
I don't agree with it either! D:<
ricoxtomato 11:19 pm
[ooc:// Omg, that's such a cute image ~
Oh! I can see him doing little individual things with each child, too.]
XDD;; Well, you could tell me which kind of cheese you would like?
DD8 Omg, no... You can't become a nun anyway! You're not a virgin, remember?
ohpomodoro 11:27 pm
( ooc: He
'd do things that would cultivate their talents, or use 'em. c: He shows his love in .. different ways. XDD ;;;; )
No. You don't know how to choose the right kind. :/ ; .. .. they don't know that! ( /quick nod )
ricoxtomato is available 11:34 pm
Hmm ~ 5d and 8h ago Comment
ricoxtomato 11:39 pm
[ooc:// Aww! XDD]
Aww, okay I'll let you buy the cheese then. XDD;;;
But ... -points up- He knows! 8D
[ooc: -sidenote- Oh god, what Spain just did is too funny...]
ohpomodoro 11:40 pm
But .. I don't want to move .. ********. >:/ ; whatever. I can go without cheese.
.. .. >:/
ohpomodoro 11:41 pm
I think He'd understand.
( ooc: I was just about to say. XDD Lovi got pwned. ~ XD )
ricoxtomato 11:53 pm
XDD So I guess that's everything, then?
Before I go out tomorrow, I'll check to see if we're missing anything else. -nodnod-
-small gigglefit-
I don't think so ~
I think he'd be happy if you beared my children! 8D
[ooc:// XDDDD]
ohpomodoro 12:06 am
( /nod ) and that's what I was gonna say to do, so. = u =
.. how the hell would you know?! >:////|
Maybe He'd be happier if you went and had spawn with ******** Portugal.
ricoxtomato 12:11 am
-grin- I thought of it before you did ~

Because I'm catholic? -headtilt-
So I just know! 8D
ohpomodoro 12:12 am
( /starts clapping slowly, one eyebrow raised ) that's .. one point for you.
ricoxtomato 12:13 am
-hugs him- But Portugal is just a friend!
I love Lovi more ~
ohpomodoro 12:14 am
So am I! hhkjSHF >:/ .. just being Catholic doesn't mean you know what makes Him happy, dumbass. If we did the world would be really freakin' different. = n = ;
So? what if you found out that was what you were supposed to do. ( /hugged ) = n = ; of course you do.
ricoxtomato 12:17 am
8DD Ohh, you're keeping a tally? How many points do I have?
But, I dooo ~
God wants his nuns to be virgins. He would also want you to help look after Alba and be a good Nation! :3 -nodnod-
Still wouldn't change a thing!
Forbidden love is more passionate anyway ~ <33
ohpomodoro 12:19 am
.. ( /checks ) seven. = w =
ricoxtomato 12:19 am
-grins at him, before diving in to steal a kiss-
ohpomodoro 12:20 am
hmph. ( /can't quite argue ) still doesn't change a thing. I could be nun .. in spirit. Without that awful dress, too. > o >
Passion. Of course. = n = Sounds like the plot to a bad romance novel.
ohpomodoro 12:22 am
.. lLKJHKHFHGF ( /kissed; blushes like woah; kisses back anyway -) th - the hell? >8//////C ;
ricoxtomato 12:23 am
8DD Seven is good! -dumbass-
But, nooo ~
I won't let you be a nun! Even in spirit. :3
Besides, I'm too sexy for you to resist. ;D -bigdumbass-
ricoxtomato 12:24 am
8D Passion is the fire of life. Everybody should live by it.
-grins at him after pulling away-
Aww, you're blushing ~ So cute!
I felt like kissing you to show my love. -nodnod-
Ne, Lovi? Am I a good kisser?
ohpomodoro 12:26 am
ricoxtomato 12:26 am
[ooc:// ********, Spainmuse is on FIRE tonight. 8'D]
ohpomodoro 12:27 am
.. what number comes after seven, then? ( /stare; wants to make sure his brain actually functions )
ricoxtomato 12:30 am
Ocho ~ 8D
ohpomodoro 12:30 am
I can be whatever the hell I want to be! ( /hmph ) ... Too sexy?! >:/ You'd ********' molest me if I tried to resist. D:< Or repeat whatever the hell that was, the other day! God, if I actually become a nun-in-spirit I hope you BURN.
ohpomodoro 12:32 am
.. okay. = ^ = and shut the ******** up, retard! ( /half-assed glare ) Good kisser? jhkhgK d //
ricoxtomato 12:33 am
Ne, I won't let you ~
XDD;; I'm not like France, Lovi...
DDD8 I won't do that to you ever again! I PROMISE. -is still depressed over it; orz-
But I'm already burning hot, Lovi. ;D
Lovi, you gotta answer with words I can understand!
-kisses him again with more passion-
ohpomodoro 12:37 am
eh? could have fooled me. >:/ ; WE'LL JUST SEE THEN. Eiiiiight more children, Spain. That's a lot of .. rejection, or whatever. :/ ;
.. .. .. ( /smacks him on the back of the head ) BAD. BAD SPAIN.
ohpomodoro 12:40 am
Se si desidera che le parole poi si ferma a baciarmi! ( /kissed again; blushes darker and half-returns it )
ricoxtomato 12:42 am
But I'm not! Francis chases after everybody and I only chase after one person! :3
Eight more children ~ = w = It's like a dream come true for me!

-is smacked- AY!
-chuckles quietly; deepens the kiss for a moment before pulling away-
So am I a good kisser ~ ?
ohpomodoro 12:45 am
still the same, except you don't have all of the diseases. Or you'd better ******** not. >:/ Then you're not going to complain when I refuse you, right?
>8C we DO NOT say that sort of thing. Got it?! ( ooc: he hates pun .. ish things. with all of the fire that destroyed Pompeii. DX )
( /focuses on breathing ) e //// o .. .. depends.
ricoxtomato 12:50 am
= w = I won't complain if you refuse me...
Well, I might, but not in the way I did then. I'll just complain the way I normally do ~
Can I at least have lots of cuddling and kissing? 8D?
-sheepish nod- I got it...
XD;; I didn't mean to offend you, Lovi.
-smirks- Depends on what ... ?
C'mon Lovi, tell me ~
Dime, dime ~
ohpomodoro 12:55 am
Fine. That's .. better? 8| ;; .. maybe. = n =
depends on .. .. the .. ( /failing ) .. fine. you're okay. and shut up! your whining doesn't make me want to tell you any more. >:/
ricoxtomato 12:58 am
8DDD -basically took that as a yes-
But, that means that you shouldn't reject me as often! -nodnod-
And if you want kisses, take them ~
Don't be shy about it! :3
-laughs quietly- Just okay?
Well, from the look on your face, I can tell that I'm more than substantial. ;3
-leans in to kiss him slowly-
You're a good kisser, too!
ohpomodoro 1:05 am
I - I don't care about that sort of thing! >:///c ( /totally does ) and .. holy s**t. I'm hungry. >:/ I'm gonna go get pizza or something.
( ooc: DX ;; I sorry. But i'm starting to fail horribly. And it's laaaaaate. ciaociao. :3 )
ricoxtomato 1:06 am
[ooc:// XD It's okay ~
I should totally sleep anyway.

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Pure Finn
    Community Member

    Fri Nov 06, 2009 @ 06:33pm

    That was pretty sweet.
    Spain... What a dumbass. Seriously.

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