This Entri is devoted to holdign whatever rps i do with dyami tell i get into the soquili guild and obtain a teepee

samus x Twiddle (XD Sure thing Samus, and anyone is free to join in! &3333 *prods Harper* &_& wink
"Who's the most handsome Soquili in the world? You are! You are!" The large stallion spoke to himself, as he watched his graceful figure in the lake. He shook his long, flowing mane, smiling his white toother smile. Ah, so lovely was he.
And also very, very egotistic. He loved watching himself, and he loved talking about himself. He never really found it appealing to talk about other people, when he was so much more interesting!
(hope ya'll like Kestal's personalitty xDD) hanging gallow Alona finally had a chance to get away from Kanti and Lilly for the day. She headed in the direction toward the lake. As she got closer to it she spotted a soquili that she had never seen before. He seemed to be admiring his own reflection, and in away made Alona laugh a little. samus x [ (( x.X sorry jsut noticed your post twiddle xD)) Dyami had came to a lake after he had left his new mate and love Settia. he noticed then a stallion looking at him self in the water. he snorted at how it seemed the stalion was full of himself.Twiddle ((@Harper: XD &33 PM me any time and we can figure something out! &333))
Kestal didn't notice the other Soquili, as he was too enveloped in his own image. As he heard someone though, he glanced over and spotted quite a lovelt mare. Priding himself in being quite the ladies man, he shook his flowing golden mane and strode over gracefully. samus x Dyami snorted as he say this stalion was definatly full of himself. he saw the stallion made his way to a mare that look oddly like Alona. decidign to intereven cause he figured it was Alona, he made his way over to where the two where. hanging gallow ((hey cihiru ^__^)) Alona watched as the stallion approach her. She could feel a laugh rise in her throat, he seemd to proudful. She heard steps and saw Dyami headed her way also, it made her feel a little reasured. She looked back at the stallion to greet him. "Hello, you must be new around here, I'm Alona" she said with a friendly smile.Twiddle ((XDDD I don't think Kes is gonna get along too well with other stallions.))
Kestal smiled at her, his chest out and head up. "Greetings, fair maiden. I am Kestal." He bowed his head low to her, smiling the whole time. "I am new around here, actually. I have yet to meet anyone, especially anyone as beautiful as you." Smiling once more he winked. hanging gallow Alona laughed, she could tell that he was new. "Hey Dyami, this is Kestal he is new here" she said fighting back a laugh. "And thank you Kestal for the compliment" however she could barely keep herself from laughing. She couldn't imagine what Cyrus would think if he was here. Twiddle Kestel eyed the other stallion, but more or less ignored his presence. "I am new here, the fair lady speaks true. And what are you supposed to be? A Christmas tree?" Kes asked Dyami, cocking his head to one side. samus x Dyami glared at Kestel and snaped," i dont care if your new, and no im not a christmas tree." he snored angryly and turned back to Alona," so what have you been up to as of late?" he was mad at this other cocky stallion but tryed to keep his cool in fornt of Alona. hanging gallow "Nothing much really Dyami, you haven't seen my mate Cyrus anywhere have you" Alona said half hoping Kestal would stop calling her fair lady. She knew this conversation wasn't going to get very plesant at the moment, but at least she was use to it, Loki and Sora didn't get along, neither did Cyrus and Sora when they frist met. samus x hanging gallow samus x (( xD me thinks i killed the rp)) ((no no me a little slow...I had to dig out my clean laundry out so I can take it to the university tomorrow ^__^ @ Lilwere: *pounces on* (( xD it fine.)) Dyami smiled at Alona," no i have not, and i never knew you got a mate." he chuckled," but i figure it would be Cyrus from the last time i saw you." he grined," and guess what i have a mate now too."hanging gallow "I didn't tell you about Cyrus" Alona said in half amused she thought she had told him, but then again she couldn't all who she told. "And who is your lucky mate" she said in a half laugh of joy. samus x Dyami chuckled," no ya didn't." he grined," Settia is my mate now." he always enjoyed chating with Alona. he kept an eye on the other stallion, who seemed to be quiet. hanging gallow "Really, Settia" Alona said as she thought of not being able to see her in a while. "I apparently have been missing alot lately" Alona said giving her tail a flick. samus x Dyami chuckled," yes, just happened today, and your not the only one missing out on lots fo things." he smiled and flicked his tail here and there. hanging gallow Alona laughed "I hope I am not the only one, are there any more couples that I don't know about" she said giving the area a small look around. samus x Dyami chuckled again," there might be but im not too sure." he look aound to see if anyothers where around. he then turned back to Alona," so when did you decided to become mates with Cyrus?" he smiled," he seems like a nice stallion." hanging gallow "We became mates a few weeks ago and who else seems to make you think of a another promising couple" Alona said however even through it was a short period of time, it seemed like ages and ages to her. She loved Cyrus alot, and so all the time the were together felt like a loving enternity. samus x (( xD we lost twiddle )) Dyami winked," well it good you found someone you care about." he chuckled," i only know very few but me thinks Hania(sp xD) found a mate of his own posibley." his thoughts turned to Settia, wondering what she was up to right then.samus x hanging gallow Alona gave a laugh. "So Hania is settling down, now this should be amusing" she said with playfulness ringing in her voice. ((I was afraid we lost her... hey rein ^__^)) ( xD yeah)) Dyami laughed," yeah it should be." noticign the playfullness ring in her vocie he flicked his tail at her in amusment and boredom. ____________________________________________________________________
samus x samus x (( xD Dyami should get a mate)) Dyami walked about the forest in boredom. it had been a while since he had seen any of his friends. his thoughts then went to about Settia. he snorted and shook his head. still walking about Dyami wondered why he would be thinking of Settia.Skylar14 Settia walked through the forest listening to the sounds of nature all around her. She had left Hania with Mahiri. He hadn't seen her in a while and seemed like he had really missed her. So she left him to go and have fun with his best friend. Suddenly her thoughts turned to Dyami. Now that she was thinking, she hadn't seen him in a while either. Even though no one was around she blushed and shook her head. samus x Dymai kept on walking and not really paying to where he was going. he tryed not to think about Settia but it seemed she was invading his mind. shaking his head, he kept on walking tell he suddenly thought he saw settia. shaking his head again, he thought has dreamng. just to see if he was, he nickered. Skylar14 Settia jumped when she heard a nicker coming from somewhere to the left of her. Turning she saw Dyami. Her cheeks became even brighter with the sight of him standing off in the distance. Now isn't that a coincidence. she thought to herself. Sihing she tried to calm herself down, then nickered back to Dyami. samus x Dyami was kind of shocked he was not just seeing things. shaking his head, he chuckled as he made way to Settia. he decided for now to not tell her that he had just been thinking of her when he ran into her. Skylar14 samus x Dyami was kind of shocked he was not just seeing he. shakig his head, he chuckled as he made way to Settia. he decided for now to not tell her that he had just been thinking of her when he ran into her. Settia smiled as Dyami made his way to her. She began to trot out to meet him. She had decided to keep her thoughts to herself and that she wouldn't tell him she had been thinking of him. How embarassing would that have been if he knew she had been thinking about him when he came upon her. Her smile widened as she camner closer to him. "Hello there." she called out to him. Dyami couldn't help smile," hi there, long time no see." he almost nuzzled at her when he came up to her but stoped himself. he did not know how she felt about him so he would not say anything.Skylar14 samus x samus x Skylar14 Dyami couldn't help smile," hi there, long time no see." he almost nuzzled at her when he came up to her but stoped himself. he did not know how she felt about him so he would not say anything. Settia gave a slight blush and couldn't help it. "It has been a long time since I last saw you." she said softly. Mentally she was fighting herself. She felt like she had a whole bunch of butterflies in her stomach and didn't understand why she was feeling this way. "How have you been?" she asked him, still a bit of a blush on her cheeks. Dyami almost blushed himself and nodded," i been alright, and you." he pawed a the ground, trying to get his feelings to not pop right out. being too proud he would not be the one to tell his feelings first, so he tryed not to think about them even though Settia wa right there infront of him. Settia could see that something was on Dyami's mind but she didn't ask about it. If he had wanted to tell her, he would have. "I have been doing fine. I have just been wandering around in the forest thinking." she said smiling as she felt the blush creep back up her cheeks. Quickly she looked down and hoped that he had not seen her blush.samus x Skylar14 Settia could see that something was on Dyami's mind but she didn't ask about it. If he had wanted to tell her, he would have. "I have been doing fine. I have just been wandering around in the forest thinking." she said smiling as she felt the blush creep back up her cheeks. Quickly she looked down and hoped that he had not seen her blush. (( ^ ^ sorry for the wait, i had to make so food, and btw ummm you want to make Dyami and Settia mates??? )) Dyami noticed the blush, and noticed she had soemthing on her mind also. he smilied," i have been doing tha too, which is why i was out today." he could not think of how to go about about asking her what was on her mind. he shook his had and figured she might tell him eventualy.Skylar14 samus x Skylar14 ((^_^ Thats okay, I was up watching Oprah announce her new book for her book club. We can have Dyami and Settia be mates. That would fun and Settia would like that too.)) "You were thinking too?" she said looking up at him. Atleast she wasn't the only one that had something on her mind and had gone out to think about it. "What were you thinking about?" she asked bravely. She knew she shouldn't try and butt into his business but she wandered if it had anything to do with what she was thinking about. (( ^-^ kewl kewl. i been thinking of having Dyami get a mate, and it would be fun. but it up to ya if ya want too.)) Dyami almost about died right there. he wondered what he should do in there stituaton he was in. having his proud addituted he did not want to adment he had feeligns for her but at the same time he did not want to lie. he pawed at the ground, summing the curage too mumbe," errrrrrrr ummmm i was actualy thinking about you."((I have also been thinking of having Settia get a mate. I think her and Dyami would be a good couple.)) Settia blushed as she thought she heard him say he had been thinking about her. But she wasn't sure she heard him since he was mumbling. So she figured she would say what she had been thinking and she hoped she had heard him right. "I was...thinking about you too." she said softly as the blush grew brighter on her cheeks.((Brb, gotta go eat real quick.)) ((( ^ ^ same here and ok )) Dyami and shocked and happy all at the same time. he blushed alittle bit and nuzzled her. he could not think of what to say at all, but he was ver happy to hear the words she said. he smiled at her," i dont know what to say, but im happy you where thinking about me as i was you."Skylar14 samus x Skylar14 samus x ((( ^ ^ same here and ok )) Dyami and shocked and happy all at the same time. he blushed alittle bit and nuzzled her. he could not think of what to say at all, but he was ver happy to hear the words she said. he smiled at her," i dont know what to say, but im happy you where thinking about me as i was you."((Back!)) Settia smiled happily at Dyami. She had heard him correctly after all. The butterflies in her stomache fluttered wildly. She was very happy that he had been thinking about her. "I am also glad that you were thinking about me too." she said to him not knowing what else to really say. (( xD awsome, lol i really need to get a teepee to keep log of all the rp i have done which is going to be a pain to find all of it xD)) Dyami smiled back, he did not know what else to say but he nuzzle dher happly. still smiling he asked," would you like to go for a walk or would you just like to stay here and talk?" he couldn't help be happy and nuzzled her again.((I know. I need to get a teepee going too. I don't even know where to look for all the Rp I have already done.)) Settia nuzzled Dyami back and smiled at him again. "A walk would be nice." she replied still smiling. By this time her butterflies had calmed down and the blush had managed to finally go away.Skylar14 samus x Skylar14 samus x (( yeah it will be interesting to find all the rp i have done, although soem people i rped with have teepee's so they would have some of it )) Dyami grined," ok lets go for a walk then." he nuzzled her once more and started off to walk. looking back to make sure she was following, cause he did not want to leave her behind.((I don't know if I will actually go back and look for all the Rp that I have done or just pick it up with this Rp.)) Settia followed along side Dyami as they walked together through the forest. She nuzzled his shoulder and smiled up at him. "So is there anything you would like to talk about as we walk?" she asked. (( yeah same here, not too sure. i mightjust fidn what rp's i have done that are already in other peoples teepee's and save this rp for when i get a teepee.)) Dyami nuzzled her back, and blushed alittle. he did not know how he would ask her to be his mate, but if she had the same feelings as it seem she did, he knew she would say yes. he smiled , while gather curage to ask her. he took a deep breath ," ummmm yeah there this." his heart was pounding as he was abotu to ask the question," would you ummmm be my mate?" he took another deep breath while he waited for her answer. Settia blushed yet again and giggled at his nervousness. She certainly had not expected this to pop. But she was happy that it had. "Yes, i would be delighted to be your mate." she said and nuzzled him. samus x Skylar14 samus x (( xD looks like we now have a couple here )) Dyami smiled happly, nuzzling her back. he had no words to say how happy he was that she had said yes. he grined," you dont know how happy it makes me to hear that." he nuzzled her again and niped playfully at her mane.((Yeah!! OMG! The thread is flying by!)) Settia was happy that Dyami was happy. She nipped back at his mane playfully and nuzzled him again. "I am glad that you are happy. I am very happy too." she replied grinning. Dyami grined," i even more happy that your happy." he nuzzled her, alll the while not being able to stop grining. now that he had a mate he would make sure to be around her to protect her if need be. he almost felt like pranceing about in joy and telling everone that he new that he and settia where now mates(( xD yeah and umm wanna continue this lata since the flateSale soon ) ____________________________________________________________________
samus x samus x A christmas colored soquili walked out in the snow, with ears pined back and snorting. from the looks of it he was ether grumpy or hated the holidays. he kept on walking tell he came to a feild. Farland Catori was currently flicking her tail back the forth, her ears twiching against the wind that hurled snow against her face. She was used to it though, she lived in the mountains so snow was no big deal to her. She was white, with odd candycain striped marking her lower leggs, and her hair was also a catacomb of red and green streak. And ontop of all that, she had a marking on her flank that looked... exactly like two candy cains.
She nuzzeled at the snow, makeing a small mound to the side as she uncovered the tender grass just beneath the ice blancket. Her ear twiched to the side as she heard someone else enter the feild, announced by the crunch of snow under hoovers. She left the grass and sweet winter cloves untouched and looked up, her eyes flicking across the snow covered feild till the red orbs landed on the soquili, strangly colored like her own odd coat. Dyami snorted and notice another soquili color as oddly as himself. he wondered what another would be doing in this feild so he made his way over to the othe soquili.(( ^ ^ dont mind my short crap rp post )) Farland Smileing sweetly as the other soquili walked over, she flicked her tail back and forth. " Hello " she said, a lock of red hair falling over one of her eyes before she shoot her head, the unruly strand falling down the middel of her face. ( Its ok XD Dont mind my long drawn-out ones, i tend to take a long time to say a whole lot of nothing XD *had a brain fart this post* ) Showjumper Show walked through the fields with her pockets full of treats and a heavy coat on to combat the cool air. She smiled when she saw two christmas soquili and walked over to them making sure she was in their view as not to frighten them.((Mind if I join?)) (( showjumper =O not at all jump on in!)) Dyami snorted," hi, and it seems we have company," he shook his head towards the two legger. he wounder what the two legger would be out here for? he dismised it though and kept he attion on this new soquili he just meet.Showjumper samus x (( showjumper =O not at all jump on in!)) Dyami snorted," hi, and it seems we have company," he shook his head towards the two legger. he wounder what the two legger would be out here for? he dismised it though and kept he attion on this new soquili he just meet. Show looked at the soquili in aww and then at the female soquili. "Hello chaps, don't mind me, just coming through." She smiled and let out a breath which caused a steam like substance to come out.Farland Catori turned her head twords the two looker " It seems so, but usualy a human wouldent come out in snow like this... they dont realy have much fur.. ' she said, giveing a quiet chuckel, wich only sounded as a wicker to Show. She flicker her eyes back to Dyami " And whats your name? " she said, a curious look flashing in hre crimson eyes, her red and green ahir now liberaly flecked with snow, though she didnt seem to mind.
To the human, she simply looked as if she turned to the male and gave a quiet whinny, her tail swishing back and forth slowly, causeing littel snow flurries to swirl up around her hind legs. Dyami pined his ears back and sniffed at the two legger. he relaxed a bit and let the new company be, but kept an ear out jsut to be sure.
he turned back to the other soquili," your right about that, and my names Dyami and as turn his head back towards her.Farland She smiled happily, her ears percking up ' My name is Catori, nice to meet you Dyami " she said, wondering why he looked so grumpy when she first saw him... and wondering if he was possibly like that att the time ( XD )
Gatori grinned to herself and leaned her head down to the human, nudgeing her shuolder with her nose, almost like a nuzzel, red eyes shineing before standing tall again, her head tilting twords Dyami. Showjumper Show looked at the two seemingly to converse with each other and pulled out some sugar cubes in each hand. "I knew I would meet some soquili at least, so if you don't mind touching my hands then you can have them." Her palms slowly came out and were outstretched. They showed the sweet delicacies that almost blended in with her hand because they were turning pale with the wind. She felt the nuzzle and smiled. samus x Dyami purked his ears up," nice to meet you too Catori." he snorted at the two legger and nuged at her( XD not sure if Show's rp character a he or she). he wonder why this two legger was out and about in this snow. he then nuged at Catori as she tilted her head towards him. lostlinx Manitou turned away from the angered male as the sounds of others danced upon the winds to his lobes. Orbs search out the others. Lifting his muzzle slightly he whickers a peaceful greeting before jogging over to them. Dipping his head to them he whickers again softer, dark chocolate orbs glancing at the two legged beast curiously before checking out the others "I am Manitou" Farland Catori skickered, then gave a whinny of deight when she saw the sugar cubes, tenativly plucking one up from the littel humans hand, her tail swishing happily as she gave Syami a small nudge with her bottom, hopeing he would stay in his apperant good mood, sence from her first lookat him he seemed to be havine g a gloomy day.( Sorry, midget post >.< ) Showjumper Farland Catori skickered, then gave a whinny of deight when she saw the sugar cubes, tenativly plucking one up from the littel humans hand, her tail swishing happily as she gave Syami a small nudge with her bottom, hopeing he would stay in his apperant good mood, sence from her first lookat him he seemed to be havine g a gloomy day.( Sorry, midget post >.< ) Show smiled and let the soquili eat from the palms of her hand. She held the other one to the other soquili and motioned for him to atleast have one. Her ears heard the sound of a whinny and she looked and saw another soquili come but this one was grey. Her smile grew but she still held out her hands for the others.lostlinx Chocolate orbs watch as the mare gracefully ate the treats provided by the two legger. Stretching out his neck he lips the two leggers arm gently trying to see what it was that she posessed. Showjumper Farland ( You know show, you didnt need to send any gold back, it was supposed to be a christmas present xd ) ((lol, it's ok. I really like it xd )) Show turned towards the grey stallion and said, "They're only treats, wow three soquili, do you have owners? Oh you probably don't understand but it's worth a try."Farland " Hello " she said, after finnishing the delicious littel sugar cube, smileing gently to Manitou, the snow dappeling her white coat blending almost completly, though covering the top of her head looking like a cookie must look like when sprinckeled with powdered sugar. samus x Showjumper Farland Catori skickered, then gave a whinny of deight when she saw the sugar cubes, tenativly plucking one up from the littel humans hand, her tail swishing happily as she gave Syami a small nudge with her bottom, hopeing he would stay in his apperant good mood, sence from her first lookat him he seemed to be havine g a gloomy day.( Sorry, midget post >.< ) Show smiled and let the soquili eat from the palms of her hand. She held the other one to the other soquili and motioned for him to atleast have one. Her ears heard the sound of a whinny and she looked and saw another soquili come but this one was grey. Her smile grew but she still held out her hands for the others. Dyami took acube from the two leggers hand and he enjoyed the sugerness of it and nuged softly for another.
Dyami nickered and nuged back at Catori smiling.samus x Showjumper samus x Showjumper Farland Catori skickered, then gave a whinny of deight when she saw the sugar cubes, tenativly plucking one up from the littel humans hand, her tail swishing happily as she gave Syami a small nudge with her bottom, hopeing he would stay in his apperant good mood, sence from her first lookat him he seemed to be havine g a gloomy day.( Sorry, midget post >.< ) Show smiled and let the soquili eat from the palms of her hand. She held the other one to the other soquili and motioned for him to atleast have one. Her ears heard the sound of a whinny and she looked and saw another soquili come but this one was grey. Her smile grew but she still held out her hands for the others. Dyami took acube from the two leggers hand and he enjoyed the sugerness of it and nuged softly for another.
Dyami nickered and nuged back at Catori smiling. "I'm glad I came prepared." Show laughed and pulled out a couple more from her pockets and offered it to the christmas stallion. ((Sorry for my short post, lol, my turn to say that.)) (( XD yeah i know, if im slow with posts it cause im eating)) Dyami smiled and took the suger cube enjoying it. he shook his head to get rid of the snow and noticed another soquili. he nuged this new soquili ," hi there, never seen you before."Farland Catori gave a quiet laugh, happily pranceing in a circle around the others, sugar always made her giddy. " Nice to meet you " she said with a sweet smile " My name is catori " she said, small fluries of snow swirling up around her legs as she pranced. Her eyes suddenly shineing brightly with all of the cmopany she had met, and she had just desided to desend from the mountain to! what luck on her first day. lostlinx Lobes waver as the two legger spoke. Nickering he nudges to see if there was any for him before replying to the two others. "Greetings Catori and Dyami, nor have I had the grace two see ither of you either. It is good to finally find some friendly faces among these lands. Are you two brother and sister?" Showjumper samus x (( XD yeah i know, if im slow with posts it cause im eating)) Dyami smiled and took the suger cube enjoying it. he shook his head to get rid of the snow and noticed another soquili. he nuged this new soquili ," hi there, never seen you before." Show giggled a bit when his lips touched her palm and as she saw all the sugar cubes she shook her hands to get all the saliva off and then put them in her coat pockets to warm up. She stuck her tongue out and caught a snowflake and it melted forming water. "Yeah I love the snow." Dyami smiled and watched Catori prance about," your a hyper one now." he was happy he meet Catori and kept watchign her. he could not help but notice how she was most uniqe and had more beauty than the others he meet. he shook his head and trying to stop thinking that way.Farland Catori smiled at the grey, " No, i have only just mey him today, though i must admit i doubted i would ever see another with the same colors as he ' she said, flashing a grin at Dyami " Well, its not everyday i can get my hooves on a cube of pure sugar! " she said, makeing a delighted whinny, shakeing her head so the show poofed aruond her head before falling to the ground. Showjumper lostlinx Lobes waver as the two legger spoke. Nickering he nudges to see if there was any for him before replying to the two others. "Greetings Catori and Dyami, nor have I had the grace two see ither of you either. It is good to finally find some friendly faces among these lands. Are you two brother and sister?" Show stopped what she was doing and put her hand in her pocket. She pulled three more sugar cubes and offered them to the beautiful grey stallion. The snow getting caught in her winter coat. samus x Dyami nodded his head towards the grey," it nice to see you too, and no me and Catori here are not brother and sister although it looks like it." he grined back at Catori," true enough."
he looked at the two legger adn cocked his head to the side as she caught a snow flake with her tounge. he though it might be interesting to try the same. lostlinx (*blushes* thank you kana, he was from the autumn raffle, i loves him, but i have to admit he's not as colorful as some. But Im not picky, just glad i have one. smile ) Eyeing the sugar cubes, he pushes his muzzle into her palm, using his lips he takes one, testing it before taking a second. Lobes perk forward at the deliteful taste. Rising his head towards the skies he watches as the snow falls from above. "This days turning out pretty good." Farland Catori blinked and watched them both carefully, both human and soquili, before attempting to catch a snowflake, but only sucseeded in getting on up her nose. She shook her head franticaly, snorting and slowly walking backwards untill it melted, or exited her nose wichever one it was, she didnt care because it was gone after a moment. samus x Dmayi nodded at the grey and grined at Catori," the trick is to get it on the tounge." he winked and tryed to catch another for pure amusment.(( my dream soquili is a black stallion with white markings)) Showjumper lostlinx (*blushes* thank you kana, he was from the autumn raffle, i loves him, but i have to admit he's not as colorful as some. But Im not picky, just glad i have one. smile ) Eyeing the sugar cubes, he pushes his muzzle into her palm, using his lips he takes one, testing it before taking a second. Lobes perk forward at the deliteful taste. Rising his head towards the skies he watches as the snow falls from above. "This days turning out pretty good." Show laughed at the mare trying to get the snowflakes and then noticed before long the sugar cubes vanished. "Wow, someone must like them." She then turned to the sky and stuck her tongue out and caught a few more. "That's how you do it." she chuckled.lostlinx (I'd love to get a one that looks like my r/l paint mare, but i'd probably have to pay alot because she has more markings then hildago, lol!) Cocking his head to the left he watched as the others caught snowflakes on their tonges. "Do they taste good?" Looking back up, his lobes fall back to stop the snowflakes from tickling his ears. Mimicking everyone, he tries to catch a snowflake. "It'd be awesome if each snowflake had a different taste." Farland Catori smirked ' Well i tried that! ' she said, trying again and failing... till she just gave up and lunged at a snowflake, catching it with a small of her teath. Smileing prooudly, praticaly glowing with tryumph, she pranced around happily, makeing a snow of her snow-catching sucsess.
Smileing to the gray she nodded " That it is, i was worried though, i still have to back up the pas to get home, and a blizzard is nice when you dotn ahve to go anywere, but not to nice if you have to go into the mountains " samus x Dyami chuckled at the grey," they do taste a bit different and not too bad," he tryed catching another. he shook his head after catching one a his head was geting covered with snow. he noticed the grey trying to catch snowflakes also and chuckled again. lostlinx "You don't have to go" Dark chocolate orbs glance over at the festive mare. Lobes quickly turn toward the rythmic three beat canter, gazing off, he watches the mare focused on the terrian beneath her. Rising his lips to the sky he whickers a greeting to possibly join them. Farland " It would be wonderfull if they all tasted different! one like a snow plum, the next like clovers, the next like freaks glacier spring water!! well... i guess it could taste like the last one, but still! " she said happily. Showjumper Show shook her head at the christmas mare and went around catching snowflakes. She fell in the snow and rolled over on her back. "I know something you soquili can't do." She laughed and started to make a snow angel." She got up and looked at her creation. samus x Dyami watched the two legger roll in the snow and made something. he nuged at her and looked back at what she made. he then smiled at Catori chuckling," well theres a new way to try and catch them." lostlinx Focusing on the far off mare for a few more moments, Manitou's attention quickly turned to the two legger as she flung herself to the ground. After flailling(sp?) her limbs around she rose as if nothing had happened. Stepping forward, he nudges the two legger seeing if she was okay. Showjumper lostlinx Focusing on the far off mare for a few more moments, Manitou's attention quickly turned to the two legger as she flung herself to the ground. After flailling(sp?) her limbs around she rose as if nothing had happened. Stepping forward, he nudges the two legger seeing if she was okay. Show smiled and gave a small hug to the grey stallion and then pointed at her creation. It looked like a snow angel just with no details. "See, that's what happens when you do that." She tried to explain to him. "It's all for fun." Her voice was reassuring him she was ok. Then she gave a chuckle at the christms stallion. "My actions seem to amuse you two."lostlinx Glancing once more at the determined cantering mare, he snorted an 'oh well' as she decided to not accept his invitation. Bobbing his head he approves of the snow angel and lips the two leggers hair as she hugs him. samus x Showjumper lostlinx Focusing on the far off mare for a few more moments, Manitou's attention quickly turned to the two legger as she flung herself to the ground. After flailling(sp?) her limbs around she rose as if nothing had happened. Stepping forward, he nudges the two legger seeing if she was okay. Show smiled and gave a small hug to the grey stallion and then pointed at her creation. It looked like a snow angel just with no details. "See, that's what happens when you do that." She tried to explain to him. "It's all for fun." Her voice was reassuring him she was ok. Then she gave a chuckle at the christms stallion. "My actions seem to amuse you two." Dyami bobbed his head up and down at the two legger, and nuged her while she was huging the other. he noticed yet another soquili mare in the distance and figure the mare would come if she wanted company.Showjumper She laughed as the grey soquili played with her hair and she looked at the ground. "Ooh another thing I should show you three." Show said excited and made a tight snowball with her hands and then pulled out gloves. "Should have worn these in the first place." She mumbled and placed the snowball on the ground. She started to roll it around for it to collect snow and then it got bigger. samus x Dyami watched in amusment as the two legger roled a ball of show on the ground. he fallowed her wondering what she was going to do with it. Showjumper Show made the ball really big but it came to her waist. Then she left the ball there and started on another one. She did the same steps as before like packing a ball together and rolling it. "You'll see when I'm done." She smiled at the curious christmas stallion. The ball was somewhat smaller than the first and Show picked it up and placed it on the first ball. lostlinx Manitou stood while he watched Dyami follow the two legger. Turning his head slightly he continued to follow him with his gaze curiously. To Catori he asks "What is it that she is doing?" Showjumper samus x Dyami grined and nuged the second ball off the first one. he pranced about the 2 balls waiting for what the two legger would do. Show looked to see her effort fall and went to pick up the ball. "Silly it has to stay on top." She placed it on again and went to make a third ball. This one turned out alot smaller in size but more durable and went to place it on but kept her eye on the christmas soquili prancing around her work.Farland " I dont know.. shes makeing giant snow balls.... i dont see how she could possibly kick those! " she said, her brows furrowing in concentration as she tried to figure out wat she could possibly be doing. samus x Dyami kept prancing about then stoped and nuged at the two legger. he let her try to complete her work as he was courious why she was making something. he turned to Catori," what do you think this one's making?"((@Lostlinx cya! )) Farland Catori looked at Dyami, her ears flicking " I ahve absolutly no clue... she said... her eyes looking over the balls over snow before she carefully made her way over, dainty hooves makeing a soft crunching noise in the powedery snow " Mabey its a.. "
She said, walking slowly in a circle around the two legger and the snow creation, she carefully inched closer, before she took a bite out of the top snow-ball as the two legger kept her eyes on the stallion. Showjumper ((Bye bye Lostlinx xd )) She placed the last snowball on top and found two half covered sticks. Show grabbed them and placed them on both sides of the three snowballs. There was snow everywhere and she dug in a certain spot she use to play in when she was younger and uncovered grass. There was a sparkle to the grass and she picked up some of the shells that were in the grass. Show moved quickly to her creation and placed the two giant shells for the eyes and the little shells formed a lined mouth. "That's what we call a snowman." Show chuckled and poked her finger where the nose would be. ((I have to go soon)) [edit] She found the snowman with a chunk missing and looked at the christmas mare. "You two are plotting aren't you?" She chuckled.samus x Dyami chuckled," yeah but it fun to knock over!" he puched the top ball off after the two legger was done and pranced about again in laughter.((yeah me too since it geting late)) Farland She gave a sweet and inocent wicker, a smile on her face as she pranced around. Suddenly she stoped, a chunck of snow from Syami kicking the snow-man hitting her on the face. O.O... o.o.... >:3
She turned around, looking over her shoulder inocently, doing her best to immitated a sweet a sultry look, before suddenly kicking a wave of snow at Dyami, giveing show a happy look.( Its only 10 for me, im not realy tired >.< ) Showjumper "My snowman." Show said looking at the head and laughing. "Well I must retreat for now." She pulled out the remainder of her snow cubes and placed them on the second snowball since the third flattened it out a little. "There you guys go, a treat and some snow." Show laughed and then made her way back to her village waving at them goodbye. ((g2g ninja )) samus x (( lol it around that time for me too)) Dyami stop and was sudden hit with a wave of snow. he shook his head and body and grined at Catori," ohhh now your gonna get it." he then kicked up some snow over at Catori and pranced about with a goofy grin.Farland She have a whinny of farewell to the two legger as she departed, then was suddenly covered with snow. She snorted, and took off head-long for the trees, looking over her shoulder at him almost in chalange. samus x Dyami whinned a farewell to the two legger. he then turned to Catori and notice her runing. he grined and went straight after her as he knew it was a little game but he was to proud to ever lose a game. Farland Running as fast as she could, she dissapeared into the rees, and tucking herself behind one, she waited, positioned carefully, waiting for him to enter the trees.
The moment he came in chargeing after her, she delt a square kick to the tree and rann off, the snow from the branched clapseing in a pile around dyami.
Grinning she looked at him, her tail swishing happily before trotting through the trees, sence the closer the trees were together, and the fact that it ewas icy, made her slightly leary of running. samus x when going through the tree's he didn't see Catori tell he got a pile of snow droped on him and saw her take off. he shook the snow off and went through the show that was around him. he slowed to a jogging trot so he would not slip in the ice but manged to get her in his shight and picked the pace up a little.
samus x · Tue Jan 17, 2006 @ 09:25am · 0 Comments |