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View User's Journal

Me and my randomness !!!
This journal is complely random ! Well not completely It's full of stuff I need to remember and stuff I want to share !
( Much Music Video Dance )

Let's see : A whorey Liz and a drunk Sam .

Liz has a boyfriend yet she danced with this guy ( Chris. ) who she just met lastnight ( at the dance. ) And she did some other stuff. She probably would have made out with him if he would have tried to,

Sam, well she was out of it ! One : she looked drunk like you could tell by the way she was walking about and stuff. Two : She asked me if her hair smelled like popcorn ?. Three : She asked if I knew where her sister was and if I saw her . And Jesica wasn't at the dance.she was at her friend Chantel's.

But I still had fun with Meghan, Natasha , Liz and Felicity.
I also got to see Savanah and Catrice because they were there.