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View User's Journal

Me and my randomness !!!
This journal is complely random ! Well not completely It's full of stuff I need to remember and stuff I want to share !
Another long day
Ya the name is totally true.

Tyler, Anthony and Cody are stalkers ! They were every where me and Brie went.

We didn't get our new seating plan in math yet.
I realized that I might have to sit next to Ellen.

BBY is so boring !

We didn't have PE today instead we did health.

At lunch I hung out with Amy and them again. We went to their old school .

English wasn't really fun either we copied notes all class.

AP was boring. I sat alone.

Science sucks ! I HATE IT ! We got a project today.

Jessica is so slow. Zac was standing CMs away from her and it toke forever for her to notice. He had to say something before she noticed. Lol and Zac had to use my phone again today . Apparently his isn't working which doesn"t surprise me because he drops it a lot.