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The Diary of Jane Neon
Fancy This Vexxie
~AM I~

Am I sweet?- ..Nahh. ;]
Am I crazy?- Sure.
Am I lovable?- Absolutely.
Am I funny?- YESS.(:
Am I ugly?- Not one bit. o.o
Am I psycho?- ..Yehh.. xD
Am I annoying?- No. o:
Am I a good person?- Not at all.(;


Hug me?- Sure.
Miss me if i was gone?- You saw the bulletin.(;
Listen to my problems?- Of course.
Hug me if I cried?- I'd hug you anyway. xD
Be a good friend?- ;-; Am I not one alreadyy?


Give me a new name it would be?:
GIRLNAME;; Sally. : D
Hook me up with someone who would it be?- Me. ;D JustKidding. That chick you like.
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- That girl in the picture. xD
Do one thing with me it would be?- Pwn. Everything.
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?- This makes me feel bad. Your answer on mine nearly made my cry. :'[ But I can't think of one for you. Ehh. Here: Don't ever give up on what you believe in. Girls included. ;]


What do you like about me?- Doubtlessly nothi- ..Everything.. x]
What do you hate about me?- Nothing, really. o:
What is my best quality?- Your ability to make me ROFLCOPTER while being completely serious.(:

1. Who are you? Vexxeh.
2. Are we friends? No.
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Have you ever had a crush on me? ;D
5. Would you ever sleep with me in the back of your parents car? SEX? =D
6. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate my a**? Never seen it. xD
7. Give me a nickname and explain it: Nee-nee. lmfao.
8. Describe me in one word: I can't. :'[ Spectacular? Amazing? Wonderful? Lovely? Superb? Marvelous? Unbelievable? Remarkable? :/
9. What was your first impression of me? I thought you were some 16-year-old "emo" kid that got lost on a kiddysite.
10. Did you realize that in fact I am a complete a*****e soon after meeting me? Yes. : P
11. Do you like my pixels? I believe in fairies. o_______o;
12. If you could give me anything what would it be? True love. crying [Jokes. Anything you wanted...]
13. If you wrote "Buttsecks" for the answer above: That, too. ;]
14. When you last saw me, what was I doing? Buttsecks. 8D Just kidding, you were off to draw my avi. : D I think.
15. If you have a secret crush on me and don't want me to know, write "YES" here. YES. ;]
16. Does my taste in music offend you? No. I enjoy your music taste.
17. Will you put my version of this questionaire in your journal so I can comment about you? You did me first.

HA. My mind is somewhat in the gutter today. Sorry. xD

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    Fancy This Vexxie
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon Aug 24, 2009 @ 05:46am

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