Ok, so I decided when the new items came out. I would do this. xDD Don't get me wrong I LOVE Umineko and Higurashi. DX I just did this for the fun of it. stare So don't go falming me. gonk
Umineko Tekteks Rosa AKA child abuser. AKA the best mother in the world.

Eva [[Note: This is her when she's screaming at Natsuhi 8D]]

Natsuhi [[This is obviously her when Eva's yelling at her xD]]

Kanon AKA emo furniture ;o;

Maria AKA #1 Beatrice fangirl cool

Battler AKA.... the guy with nice hair xD [[And pimp =w=]]

Higurashi Tekteks Rena AKA Adorable cleaver b***h 8D

 Rena in Take Home Mode >D

Keiichi AKA the Batman

Mion [[This is her after Keiichi gave her the doll in Kai xDD]]

Shion in crazy mode xD

Maria Ushiromiya Uu · Tue Aug 11, 2009 @ 07:57pm · 4 Comments |