My Omegle Conversation With A Stranger biggrin
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hello
You: Hi there!
You: This is like speed dating, only minus the speed and add the stranger!
You: So it's speed stranger!
You: ~!
You: I like waffles
You: Do you like waffles?
You: I like pancakes
You: I had this pancake
You: that was huge
Stranger: well, it's said we live in the century of speed
You: it was bigger than my face!
Stranger: all pancakes are bigger than my face smile
Stranger: you must have a big face
You: yes, my face is HUGE
Stranger: how much do you weight ?
You: 92 pounds exactly
You: probably not exactly
You: unless my Wii Fit is lying to me
Stranger: smile
Stranger: 92 pounds is very little
Stranger: i weight around 160 probably
You: Wowie.
You: But you're probably bigger than me
You: I'm only five feet tall.
You: I'm mini~!
Stranger: well, you'll grow to be taller, i'm sure
Stranger: i'm not very tall either, i'm about 5 ft. 8
You: whoa.
Stranger: how old are you ?
You: 14.
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 24 smile
You: whoaaaa
You: are you a guy or a girl?
Stranger: guy
You: that explains so much
You: look on the bright side
You: if you grow 6 more inches, you could be a male model!
You: and plus
You: you'll probably be taller than most people
You: just hang out with asians
Stranger: lol
Stranger: well, i'm done growing, i'm pretty sure of that
Stranger: and i'm already taller than most people
You: you could do that broken femur surgery thing
You: though
You: that has a high rate of death
You: so that might not be a good idea
Stranger: but why would i want to be taller ?
Stranger: what good would that do ?
You: umm
You: it gives you more authority!
You: taller people tend to be more authorative
You: 'cause they can look down
You: is someone really going to take orders from a small person?
Stranger: the most authoritary person i ever knew was about 5 ft. 5
Stranger: hitler was my height exactly
You: i mean, take the presidents~!
Stranger: napoleon was about 5 ft. 2
Stranger: height is extremely unimportant, other things are
You: james madison was 5.4
You: the shortest president!
You: abe lincoln was 6.4
You: snapps
You: but taller people tend to be scarier.
You: at least from a short person's view.
Stranger: people care more about what they did, rather than their height
Stranger: i never judge anyone based on that
You: oh ho ho
Stranger: you have a height complex, don't you, little boy ? smile
You: little girl
You: surprised
You: and yes
You: i have a height complex
Stranger: 5 ft. is pretty tall for a 14 y.o.
You: not really
Stranger: i bet you'll be at least 5 ft. 5 when you grow up, but even 5 ft. is a perfectly good eight
You: not in my part of the country anyway
Stranger: i was about your height at that age
You: really?
Stranger: i'm nearly 5 ft.9 now
You: whoa
Stranger: yes
You: what do you eat?!
Stranger: i don't know, normal stuff smile
You: x)
Stranger: what part of the country are you in ?
You: mid-atlantic region of the US
You: where are you?
Stranger: bucharest/romania
You: ooh la la
You: sounds foreign
Stranger: well you're foreign to me too smile
Stranger: yes, it's somewhere in central europe
Stranger: north balkans
You: i love europe
Stranger: ever been here ?
You: yep~!
You: but that was about...
Stranger: what country ?
You: six years ago
You: france, britain, scotland
Stranger: nice places to be visiting smile
You: yes, it was so great smile
You: i'm going again this year!
Stranger: about how tall are your parents ?
You: but to italy
You: my mum is probably about 5.2
Stranger: i was in italy about a month ago
Stranger: you'll LOVE it
You: and dad is about 5.5ish
You: really?
You: i can't wait
Stranger: yes, it's breathtaking
You: we're going to florence, and milan
Stranger: i was in the tuscany region, and veneto
You: and other little scenic places
Stranger: florence, lucca, montecatini, bologna, venezia
You: ooh la la
Stranger: oh, and viareggio and treviso
You: i think i'm going to montecatini as well
You: well, monte-something
You: it's a 10-day trip around europe
Stranger: there are lots of monte-somethings smile
Stranger: going with your schoolmates ?
You: no, with my family and some friends
Stranger: still cool, you'll like it
You: are you in college?
Stranger: Stranger: my mum is probably about 5.2
You: i was in italy about a month ago
You: you'll LOVE it
Stranger: and dad is about 5.5ish
Stranger: so why do you have a height complex if your parents aren't very tall ?
You: i dunno
Stranger: no, i graduated, i'm getting my masters now. nearly finished
You: ooh la la
You: my sister graduated
You: from college
Stranger: and how tall is she ?
You: i think she's 5.2
You: as well
You: i come from a short family
Stranger: you'll probably be 5 ft. 2 too then
Stranger: my mom's about 5 ft and my dad's about 5 ft. 9
Stranger: and i got his height
Stranger: i think 5 ft. 2 is a very ok height for a woman, just a bit under average
You: ah well
Stranger: plus, smaller girls are usually prettier, so you don't wanna be too tall anyway "_
You: smile true, true
You: this is definitely one of the more riveting conversations I've had on omegle
You: most people just disconnect after half a minute
You: the last person was talking to me about tiddlywinks
You: i had no clue what they were talking about
Stranger: yes, i got the same, but i didn't use it much
You: i just found it today
Stranger: to be honest, i don't know either smile but then again, english isn't my native language
Stranger: i think this is mostly a place where guys search for hot girls or something
You: x)
Stranger: i told a few i'm a guy and they just disconnected
Stranger: smile
You: well, for someone whose second language is english
You: you're pretty good
Stranger: ha, not really, but thanks a lot
Stranger: i know a few languages, but none too well
You: ooh la la
You: what might those languages be?
Stranger: well, romanian, of course
Stranger: some english, some german, some french and some italian
Stranger: and a bit of spanish, but just a bit
You: wow
You: i just know spanish from school
You: and chinese from home
You: my parents are both chinese
You: i resent it sometimes
You: they think i'm growing up too americanized
Stranger: well, if you live there, you must be an american
Stranger: there are no americans, everyone's from some other country, originally
Stranger: most are from europe, i think
You: true
You: mostly from britain
Stranger: english, german and dutch, i guess
Stranger: yes
You: but there are the native americans
You: i've never met one though
Stranger: yeah, they're very few
Stranger: they're related to the chinese, from what i know
You: really?
You: wow
You: i did not know that
Stranger: some time ago, north america and asia were joined continents
You: ah, pangea
Stranger: east asia was "glued to" west europe
Stranger: yes, exactly
You: eurasia
Stranger: were your parents born in the states too ?
You: no, they're immigrants
You: i'm the first in the entire family to be born in america
You: quite an honor
Stranger: gotcha
Stranger: but ar ethe chinese allowed to emigrate ?
You: they were in the 1980s
Stranger: i think that, until recently, there was quite a harsh totalitarian government in china
Stranger: ah, i see
Stranger: i wanna visit china one day, i hear it's pretty cool smile
You: it is x)
You: but it's very gross
You: they don't like to clean their streets much
You: i go there in the summer
You: sometimes
You: to visit relatives and such
Stranger: what city ?
You: hunan province and shenzhen
Stranger: i heard about shenzhen
You: really? whatcha hear about it?
Stranger: not much
Stranger: i think it's an industrial center, an important one ?
You: yeah
You: a big business city
You: since it's on the coast
Stranger: near hong kong and macao, i think
You: yeah
Stranger: somewhere in the south
You: you can day trip there
Stranger: i'd like to see shanghai and beijing
You: shanghai is one of the best cities
You: it's cleaner
Stranger: i hear they're as nice as any european city right now
You: oh yes
Stranger: or nicer
You: i'd say shanghai is one of the nicest cities in china
You: it's clean
You: it's organized
You: and they have lights on the trees at night
You: they call it the "paris of the east"
Stranger: and in shengzhen they don't have lights at night ?
You: they do
Stranger: ha, bucharest is called the paris of the balkans smile
You: ooh la la x)
You: shenzhen is mostly a shopping city
You: and they have an amusement park there
Stranger: but you like the US and europe better than china, right ?
You: pretty much
You: i can speak english much better than chinese
Stranger: i'm not too sure how it is now, but i think china has a great future, as most things are made there
You: and plus, i don't think i could live without white bread
Stranger: i think that in 50 or 100 years, china will be the world's superpower
You: china's still developing
You: basically...
Stranger: like the USA was in 1950, for example
You: they do create almost everything
Stranger: exactly smile
You: whoa
Stranger: i read some stuff written by a man named jim rogers
Stranger: he said this:
Stranger: "in 1809, if you were smart, you moved to london. in 1909, if you were smart, you moved to new york. in 2009, if you're smart, you move to china"
You: true, true, true.
Stranger: he things asia has a great future, and i think the same
Stranger: *thinks
You: well, each continent has its prime
Stranger: ah, while in italy, i met some american girls
Stranger: you american girls are real easy, huh ? smile
Stranger: least the ones i met
You: x) not the prissy ones
Stranger: well, guess they weren't prissy
You: haha
Stranger: i never saw girls that picked up guys (they kept coming to me to talk, i just had to pick one that was less fat)
Stranger: us europeans are way more reserved than this smile
You: haha smile
You: well, americans are very outspoken
You: one of the aspects that my mother doesn't particularly like about me
You: i always have an opinion
Stranger: that's a good thing
Stranger: i always have an opinion too, but i rarely say what that is
Stranger: 'cause that's how we do things smile
You: x) i'm too scared to utter an opinion at times
Stranger: do your parents speak english as well as you do ?
Stranger: "utter" is a rare word for a 14 year old to use smile
You: my mum's pretty good at enlighs
You: and I like using unexpected words smile
You: my mum sent me to an SAT class for the summer
You: the SATs are a test that predict how you'll do in college
You: and you usually take them when you're 16 or 17
You: and we had vocabulary quizzes and things
You: so my vocabulary definitely changed
Stranger: gotcha
Stranger: i know that most asians find it heard to learn european languages, as they're so different from their own
You: really?
Stranger: that's why i know that most asians studying in the US, focus on exact sciences, like math
You: language is actually one of my best
You: i'm sort of an opposite-asian
Stranger: well, you were born there, you don't count smile
You: x)
You: still
You: the american-asian culture
You: they focus mainly on maths and sciences
You: but i focus more on languages and history
Stranger: i think that's a good thing smile
Stranger: i'm a math graduate
You: ooh la la
You: are you going to be an accountant?
Stranger: no, i write software
Stranger: it was math/computer science, and my masters is on artificial intelligence
Stranger: dull stuff, really smile
You: wow
You: well, it will be a big topic in the future
You: as the human race continues to become dominated by machinese
Stranger: i think it's quite a big topic already
You: it sure is
You: there's a big field for it
Stranger: we're "dominated" by machines already
You: very true
You: i know many people that may go mental without their cell phones
Stranger: smile
Stranger: yes, pretty much everyone I know would
Stranger: what did your sister graduate from ?
You: i think she was studying medical
Stranger: my brother will be studying that too
You: she's going to go into biotech engineering
Stranger: very interesting!
You: definitely
You: when she was studying for her bachelor's
Stranger: send me some pics of you and your sister smile
You: all she would talk about was the dead bodies
You: that she was studying
You: it wasn't a pleasant dinner topic
Stranger: smile
Stranger: well, my brother wants to be a dentist
You: ick
Stranger: so i guess he won't be studying any dead bodies
You: still
You: dentists are a bit strange
You: they stick their hands in peoples' mouths and change teeth around for a living
Stranger: well, all i know is that i hate going to the dentist
Stranger: that's why i only did it 2 times smile
Stranger: yeah, it's a bit yucky, but if it's what he wants...
You: well, soon your brother can be your dentist smile
Stranger: i'll be the test subject
Stranger: smile
You: smile that can't be too bad
You: my sister originally wanted to be a doctor
Stranger: and it won't be soon either, i'll be 30 when he graduates
You: you have 6 years to go into hiding smile
Stranger: lol smile
Stranger: very witty for a 14. y.o.
You: thank you smile
You: you're quite interesting for someone nearly twice my age
Stranger: why thank you, you're too nice
Stranger: why, are old people usually uninteresting ?
You: not really, it's just that most people around 20 tend to find teenagers irritating
You: take my sister and her friends for example
You: i'm "cute"
Stranger: people always find themselves to be more mature than they really are
Stranger: that's why they might think they're too mature for you
Stranger: i never had this problem, i like to think of myself as the eternal child
Stranger: peter pan, if you will smile
Stranger: how old is your sis ?
You: she's 24 as well
You: and i'd rather be immature than mature
You: immature people have the most fun smile
Stranger: yes smile
Stranger: take my dad, he's quite immature for a 53 y.o.
Stranger: and he's real youthful, that man has more fun than I do smile looks 35 too
You: my 80-year-old grandpa runs faster than me smile
Stranger: i don't think so smile
You: he's very active for someone so old
Stranger: gin seng smile
You: x)
You: i'm sure he takes it a lot
Stranger: my grandma's 80 too, but she's not that active
Stranger: spends most of her time watching the telly and reading
Stranger: if i ever get to be that old, i'll just STAR having fun
You: definitely
Stranger: first of all, i won't care anymore, so I can start doing all the drugs i never did
You: i think when I'm 80
Stranger: heroine will be just the first
Stranger: smile
You: i'll be causing more havoc than most kids
You: smile but the question is, will there be enough heroin by that time?
You: it's a huge addiction these days
Stranger: my cousin's a chemist
Stranger: he can make me some
Stranger: smile
You: smile haha
Stranger: well, he'll be 90
Stranger: but he's a healthy man, it's ok smile
You: smile
You: or he can leave you some in his will
Stranger: confused
Stranger: yes
You: or hide some in a box for you to dig up
Stranger: or i can buy some now and hide it away somewhere
Stranger: that's even simpler smile heroin is quite cheap
You: but will it last by then?
You: there might be another nuclear winter by that time
Stranger: yes, i was just thinking that
Stranger: if the box is air-tight, and in a freezer, i'm pretty sure it will
Stranger: ok, spoil all my fun smile
You: smile expect the unexpected
Stranger: actually, with my lifestyle, i probably won't get to be 80
You: do you smoke?
Stranger: quitting, but yes
You: eat junk food?
Stranger: yes
You: lie around like a slug?
Stranger: neah
Stranger: that i don't
You: you'll be fine
Stranger: hmm my pc will reset itself
Stranger: pleasure meeting you!
You: pleasure talking to you!
Stranger: bye and goodnight
You: bye~!
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