It rained like crazy today, was really humid, and Gaia changed their navigation again, so now I have no idea how to get to places. Took me like 5 minutes of staring at the thing to figure out how to get here to write a journal entry! xD
I ate a lot of food today, for no reason. o_O; But it was yummy, so totally worth it. xD
I woke up pretty late, considering I just woke up when Kat had texted me. xD I tend to get calls and stuff right after waking up.
Got this weird program thing that makes me more aware of how many millions of hours I'm spending online. Basically, every 55 minutes, it annoys me into taking a 5 minute break. xD And you can also set it so it locks your computer after your daily time is up. o_O;; Even worse than shutting down the internet! D: Thankfully, if I stay away from the computer, the time stops. xD Gotta save it!! Think I can stretch 4 hours or so across a full day? Probably not. Let's see how it goes tomorrow. (I dun wanna get carpal tunnel syndrome, or whatever. Carpool tunnel symdrome? O_O; Hmm... Don't go carpooling and drive through a tunnel!!) It's a weird thing involving your wrists. D: And I don't want my elbows to hurt so much. -is typing with my elbows up- xD This gets tiring after a while!
That reminds me...Sasuke = Sauce cake. o_O;; Weird fan girls out there that like Mr. Saucy cake! D:
I cleaned my tablet today after dinner. So now at least it looks like it did a week after I got it! ;D Haven't quite figured out how to get the dust out of the deeper gaps... D: But I still think it's looking quite dandy. xD A lot better than the tablet speckled with dirt I had to stare at before.
Turned the brightness on my computer down. Trying to save my eyes and stuff. Trying to save my elbows, my wrists, and my eyes all at once! xD
I ate a peach today. &3 There was no worm in it this time! Woot! It was quite yummy. Cow would know. xD
Today was noob day, as far as our spirit days go. Haven't been talking about them much, since Kat's taking care of most of that. o_O;;
Today we went into towns together for a little while. &3 That was fun, until everything got all glitchy. xD;; Some poor girl with the username Kat, and then a bunch of numbers, was being hit on by a random noob dude, so he was like... you want to have (sexual relations) with me? -paraphrases- And then he said Kat. xDD I was rofling, and cow was weirded out. Oh that was priceless.
The weather today was dreadful. I think it was hailing at one point. D:
Went to improv a bit today again. Also went well at one point! xD I play piano when I get bored sometimes.
Read the Odyssey quite a bit today. -gasps- I'd have to say I'm about halfway done. Phew! It's quite a bit of reading, and it tires me out. xD The pages don't have quite as many words as Hardball, so I'm still alive for now.
Only one section (that takes up half the book? O_o; ) to go. And then I get to read educational French book! Doesn't that sound great? xD
As far as I know, half the population of Gaia spends their, or their parents', real money for Gaia cash. o_O;; I mean... wow. Gaia is trying to make this more of a "community", but the truth is, I think they just keep trying to advocate for more use of Gaia Cash. Of course, communities are all about the spending of money. xD That's obviously how things seem to be going for Gaia~! They have plushies selling in their shop for real items at 300 dollars. ._.; That giant dog plush thing in my house was 13 dollars, okay? D: What is this madness?? So yeah, not everyone on Gaia is happy about this. And that whole thing they said about giving you Gaia cash if you do this or that on other sites? Yeah, several of them are known scam sites, and others are risky. T^T; That's not good~! Like you give your credit card number...bam, you're screwed. Absolutely dreadful! Well, at least having enough money for Gaia Cash might be a reason some people out there are working. xD Good for the economy...sorta?
The weather is keeping me away from my bff! D:& I dun like it! And it's loud and keeps me up at night, and I can't open my window or else everything gets wet and moldy. T^T;; So yup, this weather = not my favorite~! I'll survive somehow though. xD Maybe stay up until it stops?
I did something totally unforgivable today... Actually, it's quite forgivable. xD I found another victim of the nomnomnom song! -gave the link to my cow- It's an epic song. ;D It got stuck in my head. <3
I have a question for you all now. This actually requires some action. The question is this; does your keyboard have dandruff? If your keyboard has never been cleaned, EVER, then go with the easy and safe method. If you think your keyboard is fine...then go with the even easier, but slightly dangerous method. First method = turn your keyboard over very carefully, so the keys are facing the desk, and shake it. Maybe you don't even need to shake it! Things falling out? Yup, it's keyboard dandruff. Second method is this. Close your eyes and blow in between the keys. If your desk has dust and weird little crumbs covering it that weren't previously there, or if something flies up and hits you in the face, then yes, your keyboard has keyboard dandruff. Several ways to fix this problem. First, get a new keyboard. Second, clean the keyboard by detaching it from the electricity source(s), and take the keys out. Then just clean however you want to clean. (Sorta scary for people to clean their keyboard the first time around. xD They don't think the keys are supposed to make those kind of noises when you take them off and put them back in.) And can continue to turn your keyboard upside down and shake it, or blow into it, and hope it all comes out over time. ;D
I'm like a nasty-phobe, so I'm probably going to vacuum the floor area around my desk tomorrow, since I kept brushing the stuff falling out of my keyboard onto the floor... xD
The duo, God's Pottery, is the lolz. xD This quote came from their site. "Their first song was entitled, simply, "Jesus." After an overwhelmingly positive response, Jeremiah and Gideon returned the next Sunday with a follow-up tune, "Jesus Jesus." The next week, they played "Jesus Jesus Jesus." As the crowds swelled and word started to spread, it became clear to the boys that they were on to something big." ...and by the tenth week, the song was called "Jesus to the tenth power". xDD There's a few videos of them doing random songs on Youtube. Oh I love Youtube. <3
Got another avi art request. -gasps- Thanks to my FREQUENT posting all over the place in popular threads. xD Going to draw it tomorrow. After plenty of sleep! -goes to ZONK out- I love my random British spelling/words, so shush! xD
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