Well... no i came home at around 10:30 but I just had to do some laundry its all :3
I had to hang them outside. biggrin
Man is it hot outside! D:
O yeah, when i was hanging it, this man from next door, ( Kinda old ) he started talking to himself. O_o
LOL! He was like: What!?
He wasn't even talking to me I swear! I wasn't no where near him. I was on the other side of the sun deck...
Half way through later, he dropped I think this laundry bucket of his or something, he started swearing. GO TAH HELL. Says he. o_o
I was like soo scared so i just rushed everything and like came back in. Since i was the only one a home I kinda locked the door and put a chair in front of it. XDDD
Anyways. It's like 12:22pm right now. I downloaded a new song by Micheal Wong Guang Liang. biggrin
Its called "Ching Soi" Its a beautiful song. ^^
I love the tune its awesome. Even though he's kinda old but his words of love is uber strong. ;D
If you don't know him, he's Malaysia's Idol singer. O_O
He's also the person who wrote Tong Hua. biggrin
I started getting obsessed with his voice cause I use to LOVE listening to his Tong Hua. biggrin
Here's a picture of him. O_O
Cute huh? XDD