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View User's Journal

Me and my randomness !!!
This journal is complely random ! Well not completely It's full of stuff I need to remember and stuff I want to share !
last day of school !
biggrin biggrin biggrin Wait I might never see Ryan again crying crying crying crying crying . OMG he like straitened his hair ! It looked amazing ! H-O-T ! Anyways I'm just getting on the computer because I was at Kayla's with her and Savanah. We were sitting around at first then we went on the trampoline when we were in the house on the computer and calling random people. Then we went for a walk. Anyways on the way home I seen Kaleb on his bike. I didn't think anything of it cuz he does live here and all. But then I seen a white car.. And guess who was in it ... Ryan ! So ya that might be the last time I ever see him, For those 10 seconds when he was in the car. crying

EDIT : I really have to stop going on like this about Ellen's boyfriend. But ya it's hard not to, Cuz he's so nice to me. And he's funny. Like this morning I was sitting in class staring at him in class ( No surprise ) and he was talking to Ellen . Then Ellen said something really weird. And he noticed that I was staring at him and made a funny face at what Ellen said. ( She had turned around )

And yesterday when we were waiting for the ceremony to start . We were all standing outside . And Michaud was trying to convince Ryan to do something he didn't want to do and he was facing me while talking to her who was also facing me. And I was facing them because I was talking to Christina. And he was making funny faces at what Michaud was saying . And then finally he was like " Maybe later " So Michaud walked away and I was like " Ya or not " And then smiled.

HE sat next to me in the ceremony ( We had to sit in alphabetical order and my last name starts with k his starts with L ) And Ellen was on my other side ( J ) . Ryan kept on saying things to me during the ceremony .

EDIT 2 :
I Really have to stop doing that ( Talking about Ryan like that )