Life: each breath i take adds another chain each heart beat puts another knife through me and with every second i cry another bullet flies in at me
dear god why
mass confusion swirls in my mind what are you trying to do to me is this a test .. if so i'll pass it is this torment .. if so i'll pull through it is this a new path .. if so i dont wanna follow it i asked you for but one thing was it so hard to deliver it to me i think u gave me the wrong box i hate how u have made me u make everyone like me so damn much u make pple judge me and reck my life u make me go through hell and for what? more pain and agony .. well im done your games arent working on me i dont care how powerful ur almighty a** is u should know by now how loyal and good natured i am u should know better then pull this s**t on me im in love with Adam and no one will break that you can do what u wish but im not giving up you should just fill my request it be a lot less stress i promise instead you throw another poor guy in the mix u go making all these guys miserable and for what .. it hurts them too if your trying to save me i dont want ur saving i already repent everything and if loving him is a sin i'll goto hell for it, i wont repent it ever stop hurting me and just do as i ask of you take whatever it is u want from me it'll be worth it to have a guy i actually like when i want them not when they decide to want me i may be damaged and broken and lost a fallen angel of a forgotten cause im used to it but please please please let him love me Adam's love is all i need and all i want free everyother man and add all the chains to me u plz i hav but one question to ask u... dear god why?
i love the way you worded this. sometimes i feel the exact same way. except i havent gone through heartbroken as many times as you have. if i was a dude jessica i'd date ya (: hah -hug-