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The Ultamite T...and a pice of his mind Just junk about me and my feelings at that moment of time and space. nothing major. unless i say it is but thats not likely to happen anytime soon

T-Man V3
Community Member
Chapter 3 (finaly)....
sweatdrop just incase you still remember that story i've been writing and was waiting on the 3rd instalment of it. well, here it is finaly. let me know what you guys think of it ok. wink

Ch 3: The Circle of Friends

As Lisa hung up the phone, she could feel the glairing eyes of her friends upon her. She knew what they wanted to know, who was Lee Lee talking to? And why does he have her phone? She sunk low in her chair as she returned the phone to her best friend Lora. She could see the gleam in their eyes and knew the question that was bound to follow. “So, ..?” Began Nadia with a shrug. “Well what?” responded Lisa, officially opening up the floodgates of questions from the overly curious girls. “So who‘s this mystery guy already!?” busted out Melissa. “ How long have you known this guy Lisa?” questioned Lora. “How come you never told us about your new boyfriend Lee-lee?” asked Karen with her squeaky preschool voice. With a heavy sigh, Lisa rubbed the brow of her forehead as she answered them all one by one. “He’s a friend of mines, we’ve been talking for a while, and no, he‘s not my boyfriend.” “Yet.” added in Melisa. “No, its nothing like that.” “Oh really? Then how come we’re just now hearing about this guy then?” “And how in the world did he get your phone in the first place?” asked Lora. Lisa paused for a minute. Its not that she didn‘t want to tell them, its just that she didn‘t know how to exactly. “Its complicated…” she said as she began to twiddle her thumbs. Melissa, who loved to gossip ( especially when she swears not to) began to edge her chair a little closer so she could hear every bit of detail as the other girls just leaned in. Lisa smile a weary smile as a knot began to form in her stomach. She didn’t know exactly where to start at first, but when she looked up, she didn’t see her friends, but instead him. Just sitting their waiting on her with a smile. The day dream placed a wide grin on her face as she reminisced on the first day she ever met him. “It was on a Friday afternoon, about 3 months ago. I was using my aunts computer to finish up my report for miss Dickerson’s class and I didn’t know she was using some kind of IM program. Some how in the middle of typing, I accidentally sent half of my report to one of her boyfriends (she has a million of them). I didn’t notice until he replied back to me, which at first shocked me since I didn’t know what I did at first but once I did and apologized for it, he said it was alright. Then for some reason I found myself just talking to him about what I was doing and about school and stuff. Next thing I know it was late at night and I had to get ready for school. So the next day I decided to investigate and find out a little more about him. And day by day we began to learn more about each other. We started to just share everything with each other and became close friends in the process. Its sort of amazing how much we have in common. personality wise, and personal experiences. He’s just so easy to talk to. I can open up to him about everything, even about my past relationship with…you-know-who.” The girls eyes widen. “No way.” “Yes way.” The girls were all aw struck. “Wow, this guy must really be something to get you to talk about him again.” “well, to be honest I didn’t tell him everything that happened that night…I just told him that I almost made a very bad mistake and that I felt betrayed and used by him. And that’s when Tim showed me his true colors.” The smile Lisa wore on her face widen about 4 inches on each side. “He’s so unbelievably understanding and kind hearted. He’s just like a little teddy bear. So soft, loving, warm hearted. You can‘t help but want to hold him in your arms and cuddle him.” Lisa’s heart began to feel weightless as it always did whenever she thought of him. “Oh My Gosh! How romantic. Congratulations Lee Lee!!” Squealed Karen in excitement. “Oh I wish I could find a sweet guy like that.” “Oh don’t worry Kare bear, you will someday. You just gotta keep looking that’s all. If you’re lucky one might fall in your lap.” Karen became even perkier, as she squealed once again like a school girl. “So you never did tell us exactly how he got your phone Lisa?” “oh yea, I got to see him today for the first time.” the table nearly broke as the girls jaws dropped. “You mean to tell me that you two have been talking for mouths now and your first encounter with each other was today!?” yelled Melissa, who seemed to be more outraged than shocked. “Yep, that basically what I just said. I just happened to catch the same bus that he was riding and actually talked to him for a bit. He was so shy at first, but after a while, we started to have a little conversation. I knew there was something about him, but I just couldn‘t put my finger on it at the time. Plus, I had to rush off the bus since I had miss my stop. I guess in the process I dropped my phone. I think he even tried to hand it back to me, but I was in such a rush that I didn‘t even bother to turn around.” after playing back the incident in her mind, she started to laugh at herself. “Its sort of sad since I didn‘t even realize it was gone til I got up here.” “Wait, so you two never got a chance to met up before then?” Asked Lora, who was pretty baffled herself. “I mean, didn’t you at least exchange pictures with him or something?” “Nope, not really. Honestly, we never really cared too much about that factor I guess. Just being able to talk to one another was enough for us. Although he did descried to me how he looked once, but it was a very brief description and honestly I forgot what he said that day. But we did always wanted to meet each other face to face someday, you know, like hang out or just catch a movie or something. But with our busy lives, we just could never find the time or courage to do so... I guess fate decided today was that day for us.” After a short pause, they all started to laugh. “ Well it’s a good thing he held on to it for you Lee Lee.” proclaimed Karen. “Yea right!” said Melissa. “You probably did it on purpose so you could have an excuse to go out with him.” Lisa rolled her eyes “Oh yea. I do that all the time. I‘m like the modern day Cinderella, except I use cell phones instead of glass slippers.” “I guess that would make us you’re fairy godmothers then.” chuckled Lora. “Oooh, we should all get like matching outfits then, and wear pixie wings and sprinkle fairy dust on each other.” The table was overwhelmed with laughter, which only brought about weird looks and stairs from the surrounding tables. Lisa was in tears, she was laughing so hard. For a moment, she pictured how hard Tim would be laughing at all this. Then she wondered what kind of laugh he had. Judging by his character and bashfulness, he‘d probably have a cute little giggle about him. The thought itself left a huge smile on her face as she was caught star gazing by her friends. “day dreaming about lover boy huh?” “Huh?“ replied Lisa, reminding herself that she was still in the mall with her friends. “See, I knew it! You’re thinking about what’s-its-face, you’re new boy toy aren’t you?” “His name is Tim, and no, he‘s not my boy toy. For the last time, he‘s my friend.” “Who’s a boy right?” said Melissa with a smirk on her face. Lisa didn’t say anything, just folded her arms. She knew how Melissa loved to agitate others, especially her friends. “See, this is exactly why I don’t share this things with you guys,” She muttered to herself. “You always turn it into some big joke.” “Oh lighten up will you,” said Melissa as she tossed her bottle cap over at her. “We’re just having fun at your expense, that’s all.” “Well, that’s nice to know. I’ll keep that in mind while I spar at the gym today.” Melissa’s slick smile quickly changed into a disbelief expression. “No way, you’re not seriously still going to work up a sweat before your date!?” “Its not a date! Just a simple get together, that’s all” “Yea, you say that. But what about him? I mean, if you think your funky odder is attractive, then by all means, go for it.” Lisa shook her head as she got up out of her chair. “ Its not gonna be like that. Naturally I was gonna take a shower before going to see him. But I always work out on Fridays, and I already missed two appointments already due to family issues. I can’t afford to miss another one. I know he’ll understand. I just have to try to get out early so I won’t be late.” “But what about your cloths, you’re gonna wear the same top and jeans to your little get together?” questioned Lora. “Yea, you think I shouldn’t?” “Well, you know him better than we do Lee Lee,” Pointed out Karen “So what do you think? If I was you, I‘d listen to what my heart would say. He seems like a sweetheart and I‘m sure in the end it doesn‘t matter what you have on, as long as he can be with you and hold you in his arms. Then he‘ll whisper ‘I love you Lee Lee‘ and then you guys will kiss and make out, and probably get married after that. Maybe even crank out a few babies too.” the girls stared blankly at Karen as she babbled on. “wow,…that’s a lovely picture kare-bear. But I think I’ll just wear what I have on. I’ll be sure to let you know if all that does happen though.” “ok!” yelled Karen as she walked away from the table. “be sure to text us after its over!” “And take some pics too!” Yelled Melissa. “I wanna see just how hot this guy really is. Lisa waved lazily at them as she made her way out the exit and towards the gym, beaming all the way their.

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