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My Very Very odd thinking.....
Smiley faces that look like butts..... first journal entry..oh joy. Anyways, the newest topic in my mind is smiley faces that are supposed to look like butts. I know I know, it's supposed to be a cat, but I still see butts! 3nodding Or =3 or :3. The 3 looks like butt cheeks, I know also, my thinking is very very perverted, but we live in perverted times. The first person to bring this up was George. He put that smiley on every comment that made it onto youtube on his vid : Adventures of Dumb and the Dumbies, Tales of the Retarded3. Go ahead and read the comment string if you want. But my specific questions to you are :
1. Why is george either thinking of A. Cats or B. Butts?
2. How popular is the Butt Smileys? I've never seen them before yesterday!
3. Why do these smiley's remind me of butts?
4. Will anyone actually read this??

THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW......Leave me comment! 3nodding

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Thu Apr 02, 2009 @ 06:46pm

    kitty faces are VERY popular!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they r kitties not but cheeks perv! jkjk, or am i? i am leaving comment here so u better read my journal and + comment or ill, ill, well i dont know what ill do but it cant b that good! 3nodding

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    Breed: Cupcake Bunny
    Name: blueberry
    Owner: ME!

    r u feelin generous? cuz my walet haz been takin slimfast!
    User Comments: [1]